You may have imagined possible end-of-world scenarios like aliens attack, zombie apocalypse, or AI robots taking over everything. But none of them is as likely as climate change and it is happening right now. People are calling it the crisis of our time, and it is.
You may have noticed that the planet is facing warmer winters, harsher summers, dry places getting drier, wet places getting wetter, dying ecosystems, or rising ocean levels. It is a whole balance that is disturbed and these phenomena concern the entire world while intensifying.
But in today’s consumeristic, distracted, and fast-moving world, it’s easy to get lost in this story. The science of climate change is dense, and politics get in the way. Time passes very quickly and the world is changing rapidly.
There are many causes of climate change, including natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions and changes in atmospheric circulation patterns. However, it is human activity that is primarily responsible for recent increases in global temperatures.
As the world’s population increases and economies develop rapidly, we are now producing more goods than ever before. This is helping to lift millions of people out of poverty, but it is also intensifying pressure on our planet’s resources.
More people means greater demand for food, energy, raw materials, and services such as water. And with the growing populations come rising expectations for education, healthcare, and housing. This combination of factors has led to many types of exploitation resulting in global warming.
The average global temperature has risen by at least 1.1 degrees celsius since 1880. The year 2020 was one of the hottest on record. Yet people seem to ignore the fact that the climate is changing at an alarming rate and need to be addressed.

What is climate change?
The climate is the weather conditions of an area over a long period of time. Climate change is the term used to describe changes in Earth’s atmosphere. It corresponds to a lasting modification of the weather at the planetary level due to an increase in the concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere.
Climate change is an extended change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns. It may refer to a change in average weather conditions, or in the time variation of weather around longer-term average conditions.
The climate system is complex, and many factors can contribute to its alteration. These include long-term changes in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, biotic processes, volcanic eruptions, and human-induced changes.
Human activities are identified as the most significant cause of climate change, often referred to as “global warming”. Global warming is the rise of Earth’s average temperature due to human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. But there’s more to that.
Causes of climate change
The planet’s atmospheric temperature has always been subject to fluctuations. It has been changing for millions of years. About 11,000 years ago, we have experienced a succession of climatic phases known as ice ages.
During the ice age, snow covers much of the Earth’s northern surface, which reflects sunlight into space, this causes cold. When the Earth is in a warm period such as the present one, there is no snow and therefore no reflection of light and heat. This causes warming.
In general, natural factors such as variations in solar output or volcanic activity have driven ice ages and warm periods throughout geological time. However, over the last 50-150 years humans have begun to influence our planet through a combination of carbon emissions.
Scientists know that greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, absorb infrared radiation from the sun, which warms the atmosphere. As a result, temperatures on Earth are much higher than they would be without these gases in the atmosphere. This is called the greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon and is essential for life on Earth as it helps regulate temperatures and keeps them within a range that allows organisms to thrive. Unfortunately, human activities such as burning fossil fuels have led to an increase in GHGs, resulting in global warming and climate change.
Humans have been interacting with the environment for as long as we’ve existed. We evolved to take advantage of the resources around us, and over time those interactions have led to a massive change in how our planet operates.
The interaction has had profound effects between mankind and climate. As we’ve moved from living in small nomadic bands to large settlements, we’ve industrialized, and this has caused a surge in CO2 emissions, which has made global warming inevitable.
Since the industrial revolution, the composition of the air present in the atmosphere has changed due to excessive GHG emissions. Everything that we do in today’s economy needs energy. We use energy all the time, non-stop.
And the problem is that most of the energy produced comes from fossil fuels. We burn coal, gas, and oil to power almost all our activities. More than 80% of the world’s energy demand comes from fossil fuels.
Globally we burn around 101 million barrels of crude oil per day. Currently, the world emits 34 billion tonnes of carbon every year. Fossil fuel combustion is also responsible for releasing other greenhouse gasses such as methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).
Methane is estimated to be 25 times more powerful than CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere. Moreover, the global population has tripled during the past 70 years and estimations reveal that we will reach 10 billion by 2050.
This means that to power our homes, factories, cars, and other human activities, more energy will be needed but more importantly, there will be more mouths to feed. It is estimated that food production is responsible for around one-third of manmade GHG emissions.
The global agri-food system generates around 16.5 billion tonnes of GHG per year. A single cow generates 220 pounds (99.7kg) of methane per year. Livestock production is responsible for around 18% of anthropogenic GHG emissions.
And as the world population expands, so do globalization and cities. Currently, around 55% of the world’s population lives in cities. Urban areas consume more than 75% of the global primary energy supply and are responsible for 70% of energy-related emissions.
Moreover, the building and construction industry accounts for around 36% of energy use and generates 39% of carbon emissions. And the cement industry is responsible for 8% of the global carbon emission alone.
Another major polluter is the transportation industry which is responsible for around 17% of global greenhouse gas emissions. But probably the single most important cause of climate change is deforestation.
When forests are clear for infrastructure, agriculture, urban areas, and other human activity, it releases large amounts of stored CO2 and other GHG back into the earth’s atmosphere. Forest act as an important cushion against global warming yet deforestation eats up 10 million hectares of land every year.
Effects of climate change
Studies reveal that there’s a 99.9% chance that human activity is the cause of climate change. As mentioned earlier, the planet has already warmed by one degree Celsius. While it may not seem like much, it is having dramatic effects on our weather patterns.
The effects of climate change are significant and concern all countries. The increased greenhouse gases trap energy from the sun which heats the Earth’s atmosphere. This increase in temperature has caused the Earth to shift from an ice age to a warmer period.
As the planet keeps warming up, we are going to get more intense and frequent heat. Atmospheric warming is the root cause of the recent extreme heatwaves around the world. Heatwaves are already impacting countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Tunisia, and some parts of Europe.
Urban areas are the most affected by this calamity as they are densely populated and are subject to heat island effects. India and Pakistan are already experiencing global warming with temperatures reaching 40°C.
These countries are at the mercy of the so-called welt bulb temperature. The welt bulb temperature is a measure of heat and humidity where sweat doesn’t evaporate well, consequently people can’t cool down even if given unlimited shade and water.
At a high temperature, the body can’t lose heat and as it gets hotter and hotter inside, people die. The human limit for wet-bulb temperatures is considered to be 35°C and countries like India and Pakistan have a high chance of reaching deadly calamity.
It is estimated that nearly 25% of the world’s population is exposed to deadly heat and that abnormal temperature kills 5 million people a year. Moreover, warmer temperatures lead to drought and wildfire.
The effect of climate change is already leading to more intense and frequent droughts, and it could get much worse. Drought frequency and duration have increased by nearly a third. It is a major cause of crop failures, loss of livelihoods, water scarcity, and even social and economic instability.
Drought can be devastating for both people and nature. Currently, more than 2.3 billion people are facing water stress, and 160 million children are exposed to severe drought. More than 500 million people are living in areas experiencing desertification.
The climate crisis is also responsible for other extreme weather events, like hurricanes and typhoons. These events kill thousands of people and cause billions of dollars in damage. Between 2010 – 2019, global reported death due to tropical cyclones amounted to 21,400.
Storms are getting bigger and more destructive. In 2020, the number of death caused by storms worldwide was 1723 people. It is estimated that climate emergency cost the world USD 650 billion over 3 years. Europe lost €145 billion in a decade due to climate catastrophes.
Furthermore, as the Earth heats up, the Arctic ice cap and glaciers are starting to melt down. On average, Greenland lost about 280 gigatonnes of ice per year, and Antarctica lost 120 gigatonnes of ice a year.
Greenland lost around 5 trillion tonnes of ice in the last 15 years. And now it is estimated that Earth is losing around 1.2 trillion tons of ice per year. Greenland released around 6 billion tons of water into the ocean per day.
Melting ice sheets and glaciers are adding trillions of tons of freshwater into the oceans. Sea levels are now rising by about 3.7 mm per year. People around the world are already losing their homes and entire coastal cities are at the mercy of the ocean.
The effects of climate change also increase flood risk in many parts of the world, with areas in the southern hemisphere, particularly at risk. It is also causing weather patterns to become more unpredictable.
Some places are seeing more extreme weather, while others are seeing less extreme weather. The climate is changing so quickly that it’s hard to predict what the future will bring. This change is affecting food production.
Agriculture is an important sector of the global economy, responsible for producing food and fiber for human consumption and animal feed. The climate breakdown is having a significant impact on food, both in terms of how crops are grown and the distribution and quantity of food available.
Climatic changes will continue to increase the severity of heatwaves, droughts, and floods, all of which can reduce crop yields. In addition, warmer temperatures will increase the incidence of pests and diseases, which can also decrease crop yields.
Changes in precipitation patterns also have a significant impact on agriculture. In some cases, the increasing temperature is making crops less productive or causing them to become diseased. In other cases, it’s making it harder for farmers to get enough water or heat to grow their crops.
All these upheavals have a direct effect on ecosystems, plants, and animals which see their living environment drastically change. Thus, the migratory cycles are disrupted and some species are even going extinct. The consequences of climate change are harsh.
Consequences of climate change
Humans are directly affected by these climatic changes. Cities such as New York, Miami, Osaka, Tokyo, Sydney, Jakarta, Bangkok, Hong Kong, and Dhaka (just to name a few) faces the risk of disappearing with rising sea level.
These are densely populated areas. It is estimated that more than 800 million people living in 570 cities are highly vulnerable to sea water rising. There are also a lot of island nations that are facing existential threats.
Moreover, the last couple of years has been defined by extreme heat where Australia, Siberia, and California saw record wildfires. Almost 3 billion animals were affected by the Australian wildfire.
It is estimated that bushfires in Australia will take more than 2400 lives over a decade. In Europe, forest fire has burned an estimated 700,000 hectares of land in a year. Extreme heat is now affecting more than 2 billion people living in cities. An estimated 559 million children are currently exposed to frequent heatwaves.
Heatwaves have already killed more than 2000 people in Spain and Portugal. But climate change comes in different forms. For example, while Europe was fighting heat, Jakarta received record-breaking precipitation.
While in India and Bangladesh, the super cyclone Amphan displace 2.5 million, killed 129 people, and led to USD 14 billion in economic loss. Then across South Asia, flood killed 550 people and more than 9.6 million people have been affected.
The climate crisis is already causing refugees to flee their homes. In 2021, more than 59.1 million people were displaced due to climate change around the world. On average 21.5 million people are forcibly displaced per year due to climatic changes.
In the future, more people will likely become refugees as a result of atmospheric warming. This could be up to 1.2 billion people by 2050. As the Earth’s temperature rises, it will become harder for people to live in their homes. This will cause them to flee to places where it is cooler.
Today almost 160 million children are exposed to severe drought. By 2030, drought will displace an estimated 700 million people. It also has an invisible toll as it is estimated that from 1998 to 2017, drought has cost the global economy an estimated USD 124 billion.
But perhaps the most impactful consequence of climate change will be starvation. The climate crisis is pushing more than 811 million people into hunger and famine. This crisis is already increasing food insecurity around the world.
Food insecurity is a serious issue and one that is likely to get worse. The increased severity and frequency of weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods are damaging agricultural production and causing food shortages.
It is also increasing pests and diseases. The consequence of climate change is the greatest threat to human health. It increases the risk of respiratory illnesses, heat stroke, and other illnesses and also leads to an increased incidence of major diseases, such as malaria and tuberculosis.
It is estimated that by 2030, an additional 250,000 people will die per year due to climate-related malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea, and heat stress, costing USD 2-4 billion per year to health services.
The climate crisis will increase poverty and social injustice. According to a report, it will make it harder for people to access essential services like healthcare and education. It will also make it more difficult for people to find jobs, and increase the number of people who are homeless.
More than 130 million people could be pushed into poverty over the next ten years. Climate change will also affect jobs. An estimated 80 million jobs could be lost by 2030, costing the global economy USD 2.4 trillion.
Atmospheric changes are already costing the global economy billions of dollars. In 2021, ten of the most destructive climate disaster cost a total of USD 170 billion in damage. Over the last 40 years, climate-related events have cost the EU almost €500 billion in financial losses.
During that same period in the EU, more than 138,000 people lost their lives due to extreme weather events. The economic cost of forest fire and river flooding in Europe exceeds €2 billion and €5 billion per year respectively.
It is estimated that inaction on climate change could cost the world economy USD 178 trillion in the next 50 years. In the United States alone, the climate crisis could cost up to USD 2 trillion each year by 2100.
In Europe cost could reach up to 4% of the GDP of the European Union by the end of the century. Hence, the warming of the planet is already causing increased damage to infrastructure, coastal communities, agricultural crops, and more.
The world is on the brink of catastrophe as the effects of climate change become increasingly clear. The IPCC has warned that we are at a “tipping point” where we could experience devastating consequences.
Solutions to climate change
It’s a whole balance that is disturbed due to the warming climate and its effects concern the entire world while intensifying. Scientists say that beyond 1.5 degrees, the climate system will start to look unrecognizable. And it is estimated that there’s a 50% chance this could happen in the next 5 years.
The climate crisis is a serious global problem that must be addressed to prevent further damage. It is a global problem that requires collaboration from around the world. International collaboration is key to solving this crisis.
By creating a global marketplace for carbon credits, developing international standards for renewable energy, and improving global communications maybe we have a chance. Carbon credits are permits that allow companies to emit only a certain amount of CO2 or other GHGs.
A global marketplace for carbon credits can help reduce emissions by encouraging companies to decrease their CO2 emissions. This marketplace would also help countries track and verify the carbon credits that they sell to other countries.
Moreover, international standards for renewable energy can help reduce the cost of adopting alternative sources of energy and make them more accessible to consumers. These standards can also monitor the environmental impact of renewable energy production.
Currently, over 60% of global electricity is generated from fossil fuels. Only 28.7% of global electricity production comes from renewable sources. However, the renewable energy industry is growing and becoming more and more popular.
Renewable energy is becoming more and more popular because it is a sustainable form of energy that doesn’t produce GHG and it is becoming more affordable. In recent years, the cost of renewable energy has decreased significantly, which is making it more accessible for people.
During the last couple of years, the industry has been receiving a lot of attention and investment. The global clean energy investment reach USD 1.1 trillion in 2022. Globally the sector employs more than 12.7 million people.
The renewable energy market is expected to increase by a CAGR of 9.6% from 2022 to 2030. The market was valued at USD 856.08 billion in 2021 and is forecasted to reach USD 2,025.94 billion by 2030.
And since the warming atmosphere is an issue that requires a global response. Governments must come together to create new, global agreements that will help solve the problem. One example of international cooperation is the Paris Agreement.
The Paris Agreement is an international agreement to reduce global warming signed by 195 parties in Paris, France, in 2015. The agreement sets the goal of providing financial resources to help developing countries adapt to the impacts of climate change.
But the main goals of this agreement are to stabilize the climate below 2 degrees Celsius and to “pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels”. And also to commit each country to take action to reduce carbon emissions.
The agreement is a step in the right direction, but it will not solve the climate change problem on its own. Governments will need to come together and create new laws to help implement the Paris Agreement.
The first thing to do is to decrease our dependence on fossil fuels. Reducing the burning of fossil fuels can reduce the amount of greenhouse gas that we produce. This can be done by switching to alternative energy sources, such as solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and wind, or investing in new sources like (nuclear) fusion energy and green hydrogen.
Nuclear fusion is a type of clean energy that can be used to produce electricity and heat. It is a potential solution to the global climate crisis, as it is a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option than traditional energy sources.
Fusion energy can help combat global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, it can provide a more secure and reliable source of energy compared to other sources.
As the world struggles to combat climate change, investing in green technology is one key way to mitigate the issue. By using green technology, businesses and individuals can help reduce their carbon footprint and help to improve the environment.
By investing in green technology, businesses and individuals can help reduce their own carbon footprints, lower their energy consumption, and help to decrease their dependency on fossil fuels.
For example, investing in renewable energy technologies can reduce carbon emissions, and investing in green transportation technologies can lower the amount of fuel used to transport goods.
Additionally, investing in green infrastructure can help to reduce the amount of water used, and the amount of energy used in buildings. All of these investments can help decrease the amount of carbon emissions that are released into the atmosphere, and they can also help to protect the environment.
Electric transport can play a major role in reducing climate change. They are much more efficient than petrol or diesel cars and generate no emissions. This means that they can help to reduce the amount of CO2 that is released into the atmosphere.
Electric vehicles can also help to reduce the amount of pollution that is released into the air. Pollution from cars can cause health problems, especially in areas that already have a lot of pollution. But in order to implement all this, people must become climate conscious.
It’s important to be as climate-conscious as possible to decrease our carbon footprint. Here are some ways that can help:
- Use public transportation whenever possible.
- Make sure you’re using energy-efficient appliances and lights.
- Eat organic foods whenever possible.
- Plant trees and use green energy sources.
- Reduce consumption of resources.
- Support renewable energy sources.
- Reduce wastage or wasteful shopping.
- Advocate for climate change.
By being aware of our own actions and the actions of others, we can all make a difference. Atmospheric change is a global problem that affects every person on the planet. It’s a problem that we can all do our part to help solve.
Furthermore, sustainable agriculture could be one of the most effective ways to reduce global warming. It involves farming practices that keep land in a healthy condition and use natural resources efficiently.
It advocates the reduction of greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere. This is done by using techniques such as conserving water, using cover crops instead of tilling the soil, and planting trees and other plants that sequester carbon.
Sustainable agriculture practices can increase soil fertility, decrease water usage, and promote biodiversity. They can also improve food security and reduce the need for chemical inputs. Fertilizers that are used in conventional agriculture often contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
These nutrients are essential for plant growth, but they can also contribute to GHG emissions. Sustainable agriculture practices, on the other hand, often use organic fertilizers that contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in smaller amounts. This reduces the amount of nutrients that are released into the atmosphere.
Sustainable food production is important as it doesn’t damage the environment or our health. It involves using sustainable farming practices, using renewable resources, and reducing our reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Sustainably produced food can help to reduce the amount of GHG emissions that are released into the atmosphere. Furthermore, precision farming is a growing trend in agriculture that uses sensors and data to improve production while minimizing environmental impact.
By applying precision farming to crops, farmers can reduce emissions from deforestation, soil degradation, and methane production. By reducing the amount of inputs required, this technique helps improve crop yields while reducing the demand for land, water, and energy.
Another agricultural solution is vertical farming which is a growing industry that uses technology to produce crops in vertically stacked layers in a controlled environment. By growing crops in this way, it is possible to cultivate acres worth of crops in a small warehouse.
It also lowers the use of pesticides, water, and other agricultural production methods that contribute to climate change. It is also a way of bringing more plants into urban areas. Speaking of plants, reducing deforestation and planting more trees can also reduce the effects of climate change.
Deforestation is a major contributor to atmospheric changes because it releases large amounts of stored carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere. Reducing deforestation can reduce the amount of GHGs released into the atmosphere.
There are many ways to reduce deforestation. Governments, businesses, and individuals can work together to create policies that encourage sustainable forest management and decrease deforestation.
Reducing CO2 is essential to preserving our planet, and planting trees is one way to do that. Trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In fact, one tree can absorb around 21.7 kg (48 pounds) of CO2.
More trees also reduce the amount of water needed to sustain crops and forests. Planting trees also helps lower air and water pollution. The benefits of planting trees are clear. Climate change is the key issue of our time, and we need to do everything we can to address it.
Future of climate change
The Earth’s atmosphere is changing, and it is changing faster than we thought it would. The future of climate change is difficult to predict, but it is clear that the Earth is warming and that the climate is changing. The Earth’s climate is a complex system that is affected by many factors.
Global warming can only be stopped by eliminating global carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and industrial processes. The Paris Agreement was a significant step forward in efforts to address global warming.
The task is somehow complicated because most countries’ economies are interlaced with activities that emit carbon dioxide. However various nations have agreed to adopt eco-friendly solutions to achieve carbon neutrality or net zero.
Carbon neutrality is the goal of reducing the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by an organization or individual. It means that an entity cannot produce more CO2 than it removes from the atmosphere to avoid causing climate change.
Historically, Finland has always been a leader in climate change policy. It was the first country to put a carbon tax in place and now it aims at becoming carbon neutral by 2035 and carbon negative by 2040. Finland wants to achieve this by absorbing more CO2 than it emits and shifting to wood-based materials for construction and textile needs.
The United Kingdom wants to achieve net zero by 2050 and is committed to reducing its emission by 68% by 2030 and 78% by 2035. The country wants to achieve this by banning the sales of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030 and is committed to increasing offshore renewable energy to 50GW by 2030.
Portugal is going high on renewable to reduce its energy dependency. As of January 2022, the country generated 63.64% of its energy from renewable sources. Portugal speeding up the switch to renewable power is a major step toward its goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050.
Moreover, the Netherlands passed a climate law in 2019 to reduce CO2 by 95% by 2050 and at the same time reach carbon neutrality. Norway’s sovereign-wealth fund aims to have every company in its portfolio reach net-zero emissions by 2050 and Sweden is committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2045.
Furthermore, France plans to ban petrol and diesel cars by 2040 and is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Additionally, Germany plans to reach 100% renewable power by 2035 which is a major step toward reaching its emission targets.
All these are major steps towards the European climate law where EU countries must cut GHG emissions by at least 55% by 2030. The aim is to make Europe climate neutral by 2050. EU countries have committed 30% of the EU’s long-term budget for 2021-2027 to climate-related projects.
The United States on the other hand has passed the Inflation Reduction Act intending to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 and curb climate damage by up to USD 1.9 trillion by 2050.
The benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act are that it provides USD 369 billion for climate initiatives, 1.5 million new jobs could be created by 2030, families could save up to USD 1800 in utility and gasoline bills as a result of electrification, and households could receive an upfront incentive of USD 28,500 to buy energy-efficient appliances and electric vehicles.
It is also estimated that the Inflation Reduction Act together with the US Bipartisan Infrastructure Law could reduce emissions by more than 1,000 million metric tons of CO2 in 2030. The US is also aiming to plant 1 billion trees in the next 10 years to combat global warming.
China is the largest emitter of CO2 in the world, accounting for 30.9% of global emissions but it is also by far the biggest investor in clean energy. The country invested USD 546 billion in clean energy in 2022.
Moreover, China’s electric car market is booming with nearly 26% of newly registered cars being fully electric. The country also pledged to plant 70 billion trees by 2030. Its neighbor on the other hand, India, is on track to achieve its aim of 50% installed energy capacity through non-fossil fuel by 2030.
India also plans to invest USD 6 billion on carbon storage afforestation. The plan aims to reforest 12% of the country and create 2.5-3 billion tonnes of CO2 carbon sink. The country has pledged to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2070.
However, carbon neutrality isn’t enough anymore because the global population is set to reach 10 billion by 2050, meaning that there will be more demand for food and resources and more emissions.
Hence, there is a need to achieve carbon negative by retracting existing CO2 from the atmosphere. While there is uncertainty revolving around the shape climate change will take in the future, it is clear that it is not an issue that will resolve overnight.
Final words
Melting ice caps and rising sea levels threaten to destroy entire coastal areas. The growing number of severe storms and droughts will increase the likelihood of famine and/or disease outbreaks in many parts of the world.
The atmospheric crisis is one of the most pressing issues of our time and its effects are already being felt around the world. The future of climate change is uncertain, but if we don’t take action now, it could have devastating consequences for our planet.
In a world where the term “global warming” has been shown to be ineffective at encouraging action, climate scientists have had to shift their focus to describing the impacts of climate change rather than its causes.
We need to take steps to reduce emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. This means investing in renewable energy sources, protecting natural habitats, and creating sustainable practices that will help us reduce our carbon footprint.
Any knowledgeable person should be able to see that climate change is a very real and serious issue, and should also be able to understand how important it is for the planet. So hopefully, with this list of fallacious facts, you can now easily debunk what’s happening.
In an age where we have the technology to power our cities through means other than fossil fuels, it is imperative that we start rethinking everything now. The only way to ensure a livable future is to take the problem of global climate change seriously. We need to make changes now before it’s too late.