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Genome Editing Will Revolutionize the Future of the Human Race

by | Apr 18, 2022 | Technology, Utopia




Inside each one of us lies trillions of cells and every single cell is a system that is like a small factory responsible for making proteins in our body. Proteins are the building blocks of life and every cell in the human body contains protein. Your body produces or synthesizes millions of different proteins that are responsible for every task in your body.

Genes are the blueprint for making everything the body needs. And human beings have more than 20,000 of them. They are made up of DNA and that instructs the cell on how to make a protein. Those proteins carry out the functions of the body and determine the way we look. But some gene variations can make us sick also.

Hence a revolution is taking place, scientists may now have the unprecedented power to change those genes. Genome editing has revolutionized science through its ability to precisely edit a set of genes or genetic material present in a cell of living organisms including humans, plants, animals and microbes. But what exactly is gene editing?

What is gene editing?

Gene editing is a method of genetic engineering the genome of a living organism. This method allows humans to make their own genetic material. In the process, a gene fragment is edited or removed. It works by replacing a specific DNA segment with a similar one from another copy of the same gene.

In some cases, the modified DNA segment is replaced with a healthy, normal one. The method can also be used to turn off overexpressed genes in people, which can contribute to the disorder. One of the most exciting applications of genome modification is in treating human diseases.

Why do we need gene editing?

The most enticing aspect of this procedure is that it is easier to edit an embryo than a freshly fertilized egg. As an embryo consists of multiple cells, not all of them will be altered. In fact, some will retain their original genetic makeup while others will have their own altered DNA. This is a crucial point to keep in mind because embryonic cells divide and eventually become organs and tissues.

microbiologygene dna picture
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

As a result of this new technique, a new gene-editing process called CRISPR could be used to alter the human genome. The CRISPR system uses a guide sequence to cut out unwanted segments of the genome. The cell’s repair system will then patch up the break, leaving an altered genome.

Essentially, CRISPR is a technique that allows scientists to edit gene sequences in a way that is beneficial for humans. This method has many applications, including helping scientists to understand how the human genome functions and intervening in genetic diseases. Ultimately, it is being used to treat diseases, including cancer and transthyretin amyloidosis.

CRISPR can knock out genes completely or alter gene expression. Scientists have been studying this technology since it was first developed to help humans with a rare genetic disorder. The CRISPR tool is a DNA-editing tool composed of a guide RNA and a DNA-cutting enzyme. It can edit almost any part of the genome.

And scientists have successfully used it in both microbes and human cells. To use the tool, researchers inject a small amount of DNA into cells using a tiny needle. When the guide RNA matches the gene target, Cas cuts the DNA. The potential for genetic engineering is vast.

While the human genome is made up of billions of genes, the majority of human traits are only partially determined by genetics. The majority of these gene variants have only minor impacts on a person’s traits. And it would be nearly impossible for gene-editing techniques like CRISPR to make the thousands of edits necessary to change a trait. If it were possible to do so, genetic engineering would make it easy to create designer babies.

Several researchers are working on using genetic modification to cure human diseases. Researchers are also editing stem cells from bone marrow and then re-infusing them into patients. There is no doubt that technology will eventually change the human genome in unpredictable ways.

Many people are wondering why we need gene editing. A reason why we need it is to treat human diseases. There are thousands of genetic disorders that are passed down from generation to generation. A recent study found that one out of every 25 children is born with a genetic disease.

With the use of genome engineering, doctors can reverse the effects of these conditions by modifying the DNA of patient cells. Besides treating diseases, the technique can also be used to modify immune cells to fight cancer or to resist HIV infection.

In recent years, researchers have made significant advances in genome engineering technology. The use of these techniques has spurred an exponential number of biotech patents. These breakthroughs have a wide variety of potential applications. The potential for a cure for multifactorial illnesses is particularly exciting and the public’s response to this new technology is largely positive.

However, it is important to remember that technology is still in its early stages. Some people worry that the technology could cause off-target mutations. The use of gene-editing techniques should be monitored closely and ethical concerns must be addressed. And there are many ethical challenges to be faced with this revolutionary technology.

Future of gene editing

There are several benefits of CRISPR technology. While it can be used to treat rare genetic disorders, it has also shown promising results with sickle cell disease patients. For example, scientists are now using technology to create organ donors for human transplants. However, it may take years before scientists can make significant advances in this field.

Scientists are taking the necessary steps to get there. In the meantime, they have begun developing tools that can be used for research and development. This will allow scientists to better understand the complex human body and develop new therapies.

scientist holding test tube in hand
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Genome modification can also help reduce food allergies. By silencing the genes associated with allergies, it can eliminate the need for allergens. A US biotechnology company called IngateyGen has developed a CRISPR method to create hypoallergenic peanut plants.

There are several controversial uses of gene editing. While this technology can lead to better treatments for serious diseases, it is controversial. It could affect future generations. For example, the process of altering human embryos can cause them to inherit bad genes.

Therefore, it is important to discuss the ethical issues associated with genome modification. It is also crucial to know what other applications of gene editing have in mind for the human race. As more applications are discovered, the public’s reactions to these researches are also diverse.

Some religious beliefs may also affect how we view genome engineering. Some say these techniques will be used to create designer babies. This is because it is easier to manipulate traits based on a small number of genes, such as muscle mass. Other people worry that this technology could lead to inequitable effects between the upper and lower classes.

One question that people have about gene editing is whether or not it is beneficial for human health. Whether or not it is beneficial for humans is a difficult question to answer, but it is vital for the development of medical treatments. Many scientists have questioned whether humans must have access to this type of treatment.

There are a few ethical concerns with genome modification, though. If used responsibly, however, these benefits will be significant. Americans are mixed on the issue of genetic engineering, the majority of U.S. adults believe that it is morally acceptable.

The use of gene editing for human health is likely to benefit humans in the future, but this technology is still years away from being used on human beings. Scientists are still working to determine whether it is safe.