Planting trees and nurturing plants can have many positive outcomes for our environment and its surroundings. Additionally, it can help improve the quality of life for everyone in your community as well as make it possible for anyone to become self-sufficient.
However, if you live in an urban area, chances are that you’re probably surrounded by concrete and asphalt. These two things don’t exactly make it easy to grow your own food or connect with the natural world. Fortunately, this is about to change.
There is a growing movement of people who are starting to challenge this notion and look toward more sustainable options. The concept of permaculture is allowing people to think differently. The concept is about creating a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
Permaculture is a design system that builds sustainable human settlements, farms, and natural ecosystems. It uses principles from different systems to create environment-friendly solutions that address the needs of its inhabitants.
It is a system that is designed to mimic how nature works. It is a perfect fit for small spaces like urban homesteads, community gardens, backyards, rooftop terraces, and other areas where space isn’t plentiful but the potential is endless. So what exactly is permaculture?

What is permaculture design?
Permaculture design is based on principles of natural building, renewable energy, and ethics. It is a system that is focused on ecological layout, which is an approach to designing sustainable human environments.
It is a designed system that mimics natural ecosystems and can sustain the human population. Permaculture is a science that developed from bio-dynamic farming. It was conceived in the 1970s by two Australians, Bill Mollison, and David Holmgren.
Permaculture gardening is a dynamic system that incorporates biodiversity and ecological, social, and economic cycles. It encourages the reuse of materials and waste to produce new goods and services.
The word “perma” means permanent solutions found through sustainable practices and “culture” emphasize the need for social responsibility in designing human settlements that are integrated with natural ecosystems.
Permaculture is an agroecological approach that is based on the concept of “permanent agriculture”, which is the practice of growing crops and raising animals in a way such that the land is not cleared, or is minimally disturbed, in between plantings.
Since the 1970s, the word permaculture has expanded to mean “permanent culture”, as it recognizes that sustainability depends on caring for the relationships between all elements of a system. Its design principle is used to create sustainable human settlements, agricultural systems, and ecosystems.
Permaculture farms combine aspects of sustainable agriculture with elements of landscape architecture, land management, and planning. This holistic approach creates a low-impact living that can be adapted in any location no matter what its topography, climate, soil type, or terrain.
Characteristics of permaculture
Permaculture design is a methodology for sustainable agricultural and social development that works to educate people on how they can live in harmony with the earth.
It is about creating sustainable human settlements and providing for human needs in a way that mimics nature’s processes rather than going against them. It is a practice that promotes the use of renewable resources, self-sufficient design, and environmental conservation.
The benefits of permaculture farming are that it promotes a system of sustainable development that can be applied to any landscape. It uses plants, animals, and human systems to produce a self-regenerating environment.
Recently, this low-impact agriculture has become a popular, fast-growing movement. It has managed to increase the interest in sustainable development and counteract the increasing global warming. Evidence suggests that it could help protect natural resources, habitats, and food production.
Permaculture’s core principle is to “design from patterns to details”. It’s about growing food by re-creating the type of environment found in nature and maintaining it. After all, many scientists believe we’re currently living on a “sick” planet, badly in need of healing.
Perma-culture is a way of working with nature to create beneficial structures that serve the long-term needs of people, plants, animals, and other organisms. It is an efficient, holistic strategy that creates an agriculturally productive ecosystem that can be maintained on a small, human scale.
The system is based on several ethics, principles, and guidelines for living in harmony with the natural world. The philosophy is divided into three broad categories: agricultural, horticultural, and ecological design.
The approach creates a sustainable human environment. The ethics and principles behind permaculture have been around for thousands of years and many cultures worldwide have used these practices.
The principles of permaculture are:
- Observe and interact
- Catch and store energy
- Obtain a yield
- Use and value renewable resources and services
- Produce no waste
- Design from patterns to details
- Integrate rather than segregate
- Use small and slow solutions
- Use and value diversity
- Use edges and value the marginal
- Creatively use and respond to change
- Apply self-regulation and accept feedback
- Each Component Performs Multiple Functions
- Least Change for the Greatest Effect
The principles provide guidelines that can be used to create sustainable, self-reliant communities. It is based on the observation that nature is the ultimate source of abundance and regeneration, and the goal of permacultural design is to mimic these beliefs to construct sustainable human landscapes.
The basic principles of permaculture are a guide to designing a natural system to create productive, sustainable, and high-quality human habitats. It places a greater emphasis on local food production and the use of local resources.
This agriculturally productive ecosystem emphasizes sustainability and self-sufficiency. This holistic system can provide solutions for today’s problems in agriculture, land management, and natural resource conservation.
The permaculture design philosophy is based on the idea that we can work with nature, rather than against it. It’s about designing our homes and gardens in such a way that we create self-sustaining ecosystems and habitats that are not reliant on external inputs, such as water and fertilizer.
In this closed-loop system, there are many principles that act as a guideline and there are also ethics that govern this movement. The ethics of permaculture:
- Earth care
- People care
- Reinvest surplus
- Fair share
- Future care
These ethics ensure that we are living in harmony with nature while being mindful of the needs of people and other life forms. The principles and ethics of permaculture design are widely used within organic gardening.
Organic gardening is a sustainable form of gardening. The organic garden is a beautiful and creative way to grow plants without using artificial chemicals. This indigenous food production system also has other norms such as succession, diversity, and polyculture.
Succession is the process of building a system that will lead to a stable, productive ecosystem. It is the process of creating a system that will help to construct next-generation human habitats.
Diversity is the process of incorporating a variety of plants and animals into the system that will lead to a more sustainable ecosystem. And polyculture is the process of including a variety of different crops in the system that will help to create a more self-sufficient ecosystem.
Hence, permaculture allows you to design your garden or habitat in a way that will help you to grow healthy plants, prevent pests and diseases, manage water and nutrients, and reduce your energy use.
Objectives of permaculture
The permaculture design principles are holistic, the goal is to construct an ecosystem that sustains life while creating a positive impact on the planet. It promotes human settlements and food production systems that are both environmentally sound and socially sustainable.
Permaculture involves many principles and practices, including minimizing human impact and respecting the land, people, and the environment.
The key elements of its design are people, land, and process. The objective of permaculture is to create a harmonious relationship between people, plants, and nature.
Why do we need permaculture design?
Permaculture is a design philosophy that seeks to construct sustainable systems and habitats in the natural world. Its design fundamentals seek to create a system that is:
- Efficient – use resources efficiently to create the most value
- Restorative – maintain and improve the natural systems we rely on
- Resilient – able to recover from disturbances and maintain function
- Democratic – allows for a variety of people, cultures, and lifestyles to coexist
Permaculturists believe that all people deserve fairness and justice in their lives. Permaculture designers seek to create environments where people can live a healthy life without causing undue harm to others or their environment.
This means that individuals and groups are responsible for providing for their own needs, but they also need to provide for the needs of others. In the permaculturist world, there is a rule called the fair share.
Fair Share means that each person should take responsibility for their fair share of the work required to maintain a system. This includes physical labor as well as financial contributions. When designing a system, it is important to consider what each person can contribute in terms of labor, resource, and knowledge.
Then determine how many people are needed for the job at hand and how much time each person will need to invest to get it done well. The fair share ethic is also based on the idea that we all have a responsibility to ensure that our actions do not deprive others of the necessities of life.
It is an extension of permaculture’s wider ethical philosophy and applies to all aspects of our lives, from how we use land and resources to how we relate to each other. The ethics state that you should take your fair share, which is enough to live on, but not so much that it harms others or the environment.
A fair share ethic is a form of sustainability because it enables human societies to survive indefinitely without depleting resources or destroying the environment. Permaculture design is an equal opportunity design system.
This interdisciplinary approach help in designing human settlements and agricultural ecosystems that are self-sufficient. The concept is widely used for sustainable and landscape design, environmental conservation, and engineering applications.
This low-impact agriculture system integrates principles of ecology, architecture, engineering, and traditional farming to construct sustainable human settlements. It aims to create systems that are resilient to environmental changes and provide abundant food and fiber.
It utilizes mostly natural materials and its design approach is to create sustainable land use and community. This is done by creating a human-scale, low-maintenance, productive, and resilient system.
Permaculture is about creating stable, self-maintaining systems that produce all the resources we need to live high-quality lives. These systems work with nature instead of against it, so they’re sustainable. They require little or no outside input and are often highly productive.
Permaculture design
Permaculture is an ecological design approach that integrates principles of sustainable land management with aspects of traditional agrarian and horticultural practices to create self-sufficient systems that produce food, fiber, fuel, and other necessary resources.
Designing permaculture gardens is an important part of creating a self-sufficient, sustainable system. Many considerations need to be taken into account when designing this organic garden, including the site location, layout, production systems, and environmental considerations.
During the process, it is important to consider the site’s natural resources and how they will be used in the garden. The layout of the garden should take into account the natural features of the site, such as elevation and access.
The production systems in the garden should be designed to use the site’s natural resources efficiently. And one important consideration during the designing process is the environmental impact of the garden.
The gardens can have a significant impact on the environment, both in the short and long term. It is important to consider both the inputs used in the garden and the outputs it will produce when designing the plot.
The keyline pattern mimics the shape of hillsides, which allows water to collect during rainfall and then drain off slowly rather than runoff quickly, which will lead to erosion if done improperly. This means less work for you because there won’t be as much maintenance required on your property from all those storms coming through.
Another step in the design process is to determine what you want your garden to achieve and how you want it to look. For the process to be successful, it’s important to take into account the site’s specific features and decide what kind of environment you would like to create there.
Once this has been done, make sure that the design includes a diversity of plants and animals that are appropriate for the location and climate conditions. The next design step is choosing which plants will be used to create a diverse ecosystem on your property.
A permaculture garden prioritizes sustainability and self-sufficiency. It aims to produce food and goods without exploiting natural resources or depleting soil fertility. The system has three main goals:
- to produce food, water, and energy using renewable resources
- to create a healthy ecosystem with productive plants and animals
- to provide human habitation for healthy humans who are able to produce their own needs from renewable sources
Permaculture teachers often say that the most important thing about a permaculture design is not how it looks or how much money it saves you, but how it makes you feel. The ethical foundation is based on how it makes us feel about nature and our place in it.
The self-sufficient design creates sustainable human habitats and communities. It’s an ecological approach to food production, energy and waste management, transportation, and community planning.
We have a responsibility to care for the earth and all living things and permaculture provide guidelines to implement that. The word comes from ‘permanent agriculture’ – but it also refers to permanent culture (the way we live).
This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t use technology or modern materials, but it does mean being thoughtful about how we use them so that we don’t damage our natural environment or cause unnecessary harm to other species. It also means looking at what we do as cultures such as our values, morals, ethics, and beliefs, and seeing if they are sustainable or not.
How does permaculture work
Permaculture is an approach to sustainable land use that emphasizes ecology, nature, and the integration of humans into the natural world. It is built upon the principles of sustainable agriculture, ecosystem restoration, and sociology.
Permaculture design emphasizes on:
- Radical sustainability – using only what we need while leaving enough for future generations
- Regenerative design – using human-made systems that mimic natural ones so they can continue to function without constant intervention
- Cascading functions – using different elements in an ecosystem that support each other
The design uses patterns found in nature to develop integrated natural systems for food production, water harvesting, and more. These systems are made to be as self-maintaining as possible over time, with minimal human intervention.
It is a type of alternative farming that seeks to mimic the natural ecosystem to create a sustainable environment. This can be done in many ways, such as using no-till farming methods.
Permaculture designs mimic natural ecosystems as closely as possible to create self-sustaining ecosystems that can be used for human purposes. The goal is to construct resilient communities that can thrive in a variety of climates and environments.
This indigenous food production system is designed for everyone from hobbyists to farmers, urban planners, and activists. It can be done alone or in groups, and it can involve any kind of space – from your backyard to a city block.
It’s not just about growing food, but also about creating systems that are resilient to change and able to adapt as conditions change over time. It is concerned with designing landscapes that are healthy and biodiverse.
Permaculture seeks to mimic the interactions found in nature. By using the principles of ecology, it aims to create sustainable systems that can thrive for long periods of time.
These systems may include human settlements, farms, or forests. Permaculture is based on the idea that ecosystems can be improved by mimicking natural processes. By creating self-sustaining ecosystems, it seeks to minimize the amount of resources needed for survival.
This method of farming can be used in any setting where there are resources available to be managed and optimized. The systems could be used in cities as well as rural areas. Homes could also be built using permaculture principles, along with farm buildings and greenhouses.
Permaculture assumptions also facilitate the management of waste, including composting and recycling. By integrating ecological principles and sustainable practices into urban and rural landscapes, permaculture creates resilient environments that can support human communities.
By mimicking the dynamic patterns and processes that naturally occur in our environment in a well-designed system. It creates self-sufficient garden spaces that distribute plants throughout the landscape, as well as integrates systems such as livestock and aquaculture into farms or gardens.
This biodynamic agriculture system can be implemented in a variety of ways. The goal is to create self-sustaining ecosystems that can support human communities without depleting resources or relying on external inputs.
Final words
Permaculture is a system of food production, housing, and community development that works with nature to create sustainable communities. It uses organic farming, soil regeneration, and natural building techniques to improve the land and make it more productive.
In its simplest form, it is a system that tries to produce and distribute life-giving resources equitably. We depend on natural systems for food, water, shelter, and other necessities, and conscious stewardship is essential to protect them for future generations.
Permaculture provides an ethical design system that seeks to create sustainable human settlements and agricultural systems modeled from natural ecosystems. The ethic is designed to care for the earth and all living things.
Permaculture design is about regenerating landscapes, communities, and livelihoods. It’s about much more than just growing food. It’s about regenerating life systems to provide for human needs sustainably.
The principles and ethics state that we must take care of our planet, environment, and every inhabitant. We need to protect our planet from harm, use it wisely, repair any damage we do make and replenish what we use.
This is why permaculture gardens are designed to make use of waste products from other places on site or nearby so they do not have to be imported from far away which causes pollution from transportation.
This might sound like common sense, but it’s actually a radical idea in our consumerist culture where we’re encouraged to buy more than we need and throw away what we don’t use. Hence permaculture can help to change this attitude toward a more sustainable one.