Our world is undergoing a lot of changes. These changes also apply to buildings. Building owners are facing increased competition for commercial spaces that are comfortable, safe, efficient, productive, energy-efficient and secure. Promoters need to meet higher occupant expectations driven by technology, the Internet of Things and climate change.
To attract and retain occupants and maintain a competitive advantage estate owners are going beyond the traditional focus on operational efficiencies to create people-centric environments that enhance occupant experience. Flexibility and dynamics are the basic requirements for a smart building.
Maximum efficiency is the top priority and not only where energy is concerned but also for the comfort and well-being of users. Only solutions which create the greatest synergies between energy efficiency, comfort, safety and security will be sustainable over the long term. The solution is to turn buildings into smart, intelligent, sensitive and adaptable assets.

What is a smart building?
Every building has the goal of being fully occupied. Essentially, a smart building is an infrastructure that uses technologies to optimize space and eliminate resources that are wasted. By using smart technologies, the infrastructure can absorb its resources more efficiently, increasing its overall occupancy and attracting new tenants. In addition, it can also comply with health and safety regulations.
An intelligent building is one that uses technology to control the environment. It will reduce energy use and costs as well as stimulate employee productivity. By utilizing intelligent technology, the occupants can adjust lighting, HVAC (heat, ventilation and air conditioning) and other settings based on occupancy and daylight. Smart buildings also can be designed to maximize the use of natural resources such as solar energy.
An intelligent establishment can monitor various parameters to optimize energy consumption and create comfortable working conditions for its occupants. The use of smart buildings also enables remote monitoring of systems and predictive maintenance. They can adjust their functions to meet user needs, saving thousands of dollars on energy bills.
Smart buildings are intelligently connected structure that utilizes Internet of Things devices to automate building processes. The system connects different parts of the edifice to one central platform, which helps administrators gain insights and gather useful data for their management.
A smart building is controlled through sensors that collect data in real-time. The collected data is analyzed using predictive algorithms. These algorithms require large amounts of data to identify subtle patterns. By integrating a centralized platform, the building will be able to automate many systems and reduce energy costs. It can even learn about user preferences.
Using IoT technology in an establishment can improve its livability. By using sensors, the infrastructure can automatically manage energy usage, optimize resource consumption and give useful information to people. Whether it’s voice control or accessibility for the disabled, intelligent buildings can improve your life and improve your bottom line.
A smart edifice can be considered a living organism with a network of connected devices that manage various systems of the infrastructure. In the future, it will even predict ambient temperatures and contract or expand light based on occupancy. With advanced smart energy management systems, lighting and HVAC systems can be automated based on occupancy.
A smart building can help a facility manager monitor the performance of the establishment and optimize energy usage. These buildings are more productive, safer, and more energy-efficient. Occupants spend a significant amount of time in the building and they rely on it to make sure their health and safety needs are met.
Additionally, intelligent buildings can reduce their environmental impact by analyzing and matching occupant patterns with energy use. They can also reduce emissions by monitoring indoor and outdoor conditions and adjusting temperature and lighting conditions accordingly. Ultimately, these buildings will lead to a lower overall cost and a healthier bottom line.
This technology has enabled developers to build some of the most impressive intelligent buildings in the world. The Edge building, which is the headquarters of Deloitte, uses 70% less electricity than the average office space. Its occupants can tune into their offices and control the temperature and lighting preferences from anywhere.
Impact of smart building
Creating a smart building is an important part of the building automation and energy management process. The use of such technology helps owners to manage energy costs, create more comfortable living spaces and reduce environmental impact. It analyzes the physical and environmental conditions, occupants’ behavior and energy usage patterns to reduce energy use and emissions, and optimize upkeep.
Sustainability, wellness and resiliency goals will spur an increase with the adoption of smart building technology. Energy efficiency is a top priority for commercial real estate. Smart building technologies can help companies improve their energy performance. The increased productivity and occupant desirability of space will increase tenant satisfaction and drive up rent.
Property owners can even increase the rent of an intelligent space, which can help landlords increase profits. When the latest technology is integrated into the property the value of the asset increases. Intelligent buildings use the Internet of Things devices to monitor their characteristics and analyze data to optimize performance.

This information can then be used to optimize infrastructure operations. Buildings that are equipped with the latest technology are highly convenient to operate and can save tenants and visitors money. An intelligent building is more than a building management system that automatically controls HVAC system settings to match specific temperatures and times.
With advanced technology, infrastructure security can be enhanced, further improving the quality of life of both tenants and guests. The ability to monitor a location from mobile devices enables property managers to remotely lock down a facility if they have reason to believe someone might be attempting to break in.
Mobile access control features, such as smart elevators, will ensure that unauthorized users do not get past the lobby. They also allow building users to schedule and revoke access according to their preferences. Smart buildings are a practical option for businesses that want to improve their security.
In addition to improving security, smart buildings can help speed up response to an active shooter situation. Gunshot detection systems in buildings are increasingly being tested. As more connected systems and devices become integrated into the infrastructure, they create a security threat. Various threats such as phishing and malicious hacking.
In order to avoid threats, property owners should implement robust smart building security measures. By 2024, the global market for smart buildings will grow ten times larger. Smart building security should be treated the same as enterprise network security, incorporating multiple layers of protection. And in today’s world, the threat of hackers is only increasing.
By implementing a unified platform, the security risk is mitigated. With a unified network, security information can be shared across different environments, especially in converged environments. The use of smart building security can help prevent attacks targeting its automation equipment. These security measures help protect employees and corporate data, as well as clients.
Tenant comfort
The goal of any intelligent building is to increase occupant comfort and reduce energy consumption. By incorporating internet-connected devices and smart building technology, businesses can improve the experience of their customers and employees, reduce operating costs and increase the longevity of their buildings.
Additionally, they offer improved lighting and airflow quality, enhanced thermal comfort and improved security for their employees. These benefits can result in increased productivity and employee retention. The concept of biophilia or the integration of natural elements into the building environment aims to reduce energy consumption while increasing occupant comfort.

To this end, smart lighting and intelligent glass technology are available to regulate the spectrum of light emitted from windows and mimic the daily cycles of nature. Smart glass, for instance, can tint on-demand, providing occupants with a view of nature while preventing the heat and brightness of sunlight.
These technologies are cost-effective and can generate a significant return on investment. Just one degree of temperature change can impact worker productivity. With advanced smart energy management systems, lighting and HVAC systems can be automated based on occupancy. Additionally, smart buildings can lock doors based on visual identification.
Intelligent buildings may also provide indoor navigation. It can show routes for emergency response personnel to trouble spots. Embedding IoT devices in buildings will improve the user experience. Users can operate lighting, shades and temperature controls from their mobile devices. They can also book meeting rooms and check the occupancy levels of the edifice.
Smart real estate will also provide data about environmental changes. Once you know what the environmental changes are, you can optimize your infrastructure to improve the user experience. For example, you can adjust lighting, heat and air conditioning depending on how many people are inside the building.
By leveraging technology to automate and customize operations, smart buildings allow you to increase efficiency and enhance the customer experience for tenants. In addition to being environmentally friendly and cost-effective, it can improve the user experience and save time. There’s no reason not to make the most of smart technology.
This technology makes life easier for employees and customers and can also enhance the work environment. With intelligent building technology occupants can have a more enjoyable and comfortable experience while at the same time ensuring they are protected against threats. The possibilities are endless. They are becoming a must for any modern office.
A smart building can also be a way to attract and retain talent for businesses. Adding new technologies to the workspace is an efficient way to ensure that your company remains at the forefront of innovation. The digital layer of user experience makes intelligent buildings a gold mine for companies leveraging social data. The next generation of occupants will demand that smart buildings become a part of their daily life.