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IoT technologies: Top Applications of Internet of Things

by | Feb 6, 2023 | Industry

The number of interconnected things is rapidly increasing. Every day new technologies, software, and applications that support different types of electronic devices are entering the market.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the buzzword in technology. It’s everywhere from your pocket and working place to your car and home communicating with each other, and automating tasks to make life easier.

IoT technologies are becoming more and more accessible to consumers. From smart thermostats to connected cars, smart devices are quickly becoming a common fixture in our lives.

Thanks to advancements in connectivity and the ability for devices to operate autonomously with little or no human intervention, today’s connected technologies are improving at a rapid pace and becoming more widespread.

Today in the modern world, if you look around, you’ll find at least one thing that can be connected to the internet. This can be your mobile phone, laptop, TV, watches, fridge, washing machine, or even an entire home and factory.

The IoT refers to all the devices that are connected to the internet and able to exchange data with other connected gadgets. Most IoT devices have the word smart at the start of their names, smartphones, smartwatches, smart TV, smart refrigerators, and smart homes.

The term ‘smart’ is becoming a common theme in the technological world. But the IoT is set to have a far-reaching impact on how we live and work in the coming years. So what exactly is the internet of things?

What is IoT technology?

The internet of things is a rapidly growing technology that is revolutionizing the way we interact with our environment and each other. It allows devices to connect to the internet and share information, making them easier to manage and monitor.

Internet of things technologies is a global network of devices and applications that are interconnected to enable communication and data exchange. It allows us to monitor, control, and collect information from these gadgets in real time.

It provides a platform for connecting different technologies to enable them to collect and share data, which can then be used to improve the functionality of the devices, as well as to provide insights into how people are using them.

Based on the data, the system can act and decide with some degree of autonomy making them accessible and useful for smart, connected devices. IoT technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with our environment and enabling us to be more efficient in our daily lives.

From smart homes to connected cars, IoT technology is making it possible for us to make efficient use of data collected from various sources to improve our lives. This network is expanding rapidly, with new gadgets being added every day.

With its ever-growing popularity, IoT technologies becoming increasingly important for businesses and individuals alike. They are embedded in everyday objects and can communicate with each device and with centralized servers to exchange data, alert users of problems or provide insights.

Types of internet of things

The Internet of Things is transforming the way we interact with technology and our everyday lives. IoT technology has enabled us to connect physical objects to the internet, allowing us to monitor and control them remotely.

This has opened up a world of possibilities for businesses, from improved efficiency and productivity to better customer service. There are different types of IoT technology on the market, such as:

Industrial IoT

The industrial internet of things (IIoT) is a network of machines, devices, and people that can communicate with each other to manage data and automate operations. The industrial IoT is a growing market with estimates revealing it can reach USD 1,693.30 billion by 2030.

IIoT systems enable companies to improve their efficiency and agility by connecting devices and sensors in their plants, warehouses, and offices. It can monitor and manage equipment, and alert operators when something goes wrong.

The technology can even autonomously make decisions based on information collected from sensors. By improving communication and coordination between machines and people, industrial IoT can help companies slash costs and improve productivity.

Consumer IoT

The consumer Internet of Things is a technology that connects everyday objects to the internet. It enables people to control and monitor their devices remotely. Consumer IoT includes smart home appliances, wearables, connected cars, and many other gadgets.

The worldwide consumer spending on smart home devices is expected to reach USD 147 billion by 2023. This number is expected to reach USD 173 billion by 2025. The consumer IoT market is growing bigger by the day and is expected to reach USD 616.75 billion by 2032, compared to USD 221.74 billion in 2022.

Consumer IoT made it possible for people to interact with their environment in new ways. It also enabled businesses to offer more personalized services and products to their customers. And companies can gather data on customer behavior and preferences, which can be used to improve their services and products.

Military IoT

Military internet of things (MIoT) is the use of networked computing devices to collect, process, and disseminate data within armed forces or security organizations. It provides situational awareness and real-time decision support to commanders, enabling them to make better decisions faster.

MIoT solutions can improve situational awareness, track the movement of troops and equipment, and identify and track threats. It can provide soldiers with information about their environment, including weather conditions, enemy activity, and health and safety hazards. The global IoT in defense market is growing at 12.2% per year.

The global internet of military things market is expected to reach USD 63 billion in 2027. MIoT solutions are deployed using a variety of technologies, including radiofrequency, satellite, radars, planes, drones, operating bases, vehicles, and cellular networks to provide situational awareness, risk assessment and reduce response time.

Internet of Medical Things

The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is described as the interconnectedness of devices and sensors used to monitor and manage patients’ health. IoMT systems can automate many routine tasks, such as tracking medication compliance and monitoring vital signs.

This technology has the potential to improve patient care and reduce healthcare costs. IoMT systems are not new, but they are becoming more widespread and affordable. Due to smart medical devices becoming more affordable, many healthcare providers are offering remote patient monitoring which brings a lot of benefits on its own.

Commercial IoT

The commercial Internet of Things is a collection of connected devices that are used in business applications. It is used in many businesses, from retail and healthcare to energy and transportation, to improve customer experience and increase efficiency.

Commercial IoT provides businesses with real-time data that can be used for analytics and decision-making. It also enables the automation of processes such as inventory management, tracking shipments, managing resources, monitoring production lines, robotics, and more.

Technology for IoT

IoT technology enables devices to collect data and exchange information without any human intervention. It allows us to collect real-time information and provide insight into everything from our homes to our cars.

The technologies for IoT have advanced significantly in recent years, making it easier than ever to build connected products and services. Here are the various technologies that are driving the internet of things revolution:

Cloud computing

Cloud computing is the ability to access computing resources over the Internet. It allows users to access applications and data from anywhere, whether they are on their desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone.

The cloud allows businesses to save money on infrastructure costs, and also to mobilize resources quickly and easily. Cloud computing has become increasingly important in IoT, as devices are increasingly connected and autonomous.

Smart devices are connected to each other and the internet and need to be able to share data and applications. Cloud computing is a powerful tool that is enabling the sharing of information. Together with IoT, it is enabling new levels of automation and efficiency in many industries.

Cloud computing in IoT enables remote monitoring and management of devices. By using cloud-based services, businesses can gain access to a wealth of data and analytics that can help them optimize their operations and improve efficiency. The IoT cloud platform is expected to worth USD 10330 million by 2028.

Edge computing

Edge computing is an emerging trend in which computing resources are located closer to end-users, potentially reducing latency and improving performance. It is used to power smart devices enabling them to communicate with each other more quickly and accurately.

IoT edge is the ability of smart devices and sensors to operate on the edge of networks, connecting to the cloud only when necessary. This allows for more accurate data collection and faster response times, which is essential for automation and real-time analytics, and decision-making.

By locating computing resources closer to end-users, edge computing can reduce latency and improve performance. It is also used to power devices in a variety of industries, including transportation, industrial, and healthcare. The number edge enables IoT devices is expected to reach 4.3 billion for consumers and 807 million for enterprises by 2025.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI has become an important part of the Internet of Things ecosystem. It helps devices collect data, process it, and make decisions. Artificial intelligence can also interpret patterns in information, which help connected technologies operate more efficiently.

It helps different technologies interact with each other and with the environment. For example, AI can help devices avoid collisions or identify objects in the environment. It can also help devices learn from data and make decisions based on that knowledge.

The benefits of using artificial intelligence in IoT ecosystem are clear. It helps devices operate more efficiently and make decisions based on data. This help improves accuracy and performance as well as enables devices to react autonomously.

The use of AI improves the accuracy of data collection and processing, thus enabling devices to make decisions on their own. This allows IoT to become more efficient and allows different technologies to work together to achieve a common goal. The global artificial intelligence in IoT market is expected to reach USD 17,368.13 million by 2027.

Machine Learning (ML)

Machine learning is a subset of AI that helps computers learn from data without being explicitly programmed. ML uses computer algorithms to learn from data and improve the accuracy of predictions made by machines, or to customize the behavior of a machine to suit specific tasks.

This technology is used in a variety of areas, such as improving search engine results, identifying fraudulent activities, and more. Machine learning in IoT is used to automate tasks and make more accurate predictions.

For example, machine learning is used to automatically detect anomalies in data and then take appropriate action. This helps improve efficiencies and accuracy in operations.

The technology is being used in connected devices to help them “learn” about their environment to deliver different types of benefits such as improved comfort, ease of use, performance, or customer experience.

Internet of things applications

There is already a lot of internet of things trends that provide many benefits for businesses and consumers. Businesses can automate processes and improve efficiency by using smart devices to collect data. Here’s how it benefits different industries:

Manufacturing industry

Manufacturers use IoT to monitor and manage operations in their factories which ultimately improves efficiency and productivity. By monitoring data streams and communication networks, manufacturers can detect and prevent malfunctions, optimize production processes, and identify potential issues early.

Internet of things is also a powerful tool for managing inventory. By monitoring production data and inventory levels, manufacturers can identify and correct shortages or overstock. In addition, by monitoring product usage data, manufacturers can identify and correct errors in product design.

By analyzing this information, businesses can make informed decisions about their products and services. This also allows businesses to get a competitive edge by catering to their customers’ needs. According to a study, 86% of the respondent believed that smart factory solutions will be the driver of manufacturing competitiveness and it is expected that the market for IoT in marketing will reach USD 1.52 trillion by 2030.

Automotive industry

The automotive sector is one of the first industries to adopt the internet of things, as it offers numerous benefits such as increased productivity and improved safety. One of the most important benefits of IoT in automotive industry is that it can reduce costs.

IoT technology is also being used to create smarter cars that can be connected to the internet and provide a range of features and services. Connected cars are becoming increasingly popular, with automakers investing heavily in this technology.

With the help of connected devices, drivers can access real-time data about their vehicle’s performance and safety. They also have access to a variety of services such as remote control capabilities and predictive maintenance alerts.

From navigation systems to self-driving cars, IoT technology is set to make driving safer, more efficient, and more enjoyable. The possibilities for connected cars are endless, as automakers continue to invest in this rapidly developing technology.

Revenue generated from internet of things in the automotive sector is estimated to reach almost USD 23.6 billion by 2025. The global market size is expected to reach USD 289.36 billion by 2030, growing from USD 47.10 billion in 2020.

Logistics and transportation

The internet of things is used in logistics to improve efficiency and manage inventory. With connected sensors, warehouse can monitor and determine which items are in stock and which items need to be restocked. This information can also be used to make decisions about which items to produce and which items to order.

In addition, devices in a warehouse can be used to monitor the temperature and humidity levels. This information is useful to make decisions about how to store items and how to produce items. The IoT in logistics market is forecasted to reach USD 93.85 billion by 2028.

And with the proliferation of smart devices, transportation networks are taking advantage of new technologies to improve efficiency and safety. In the transportation industry, IoT can improve safety and efficiency by automating processes and improving communication.

For example, the use of sensors and cameras can help identify obstacles and traffic congestion and then send alerts to drivers. This also helps stay on schedule. Internet of things technologies can also help reduce traffic congestion by tracking traffic patterns and gathering data about vehicle behavior. The global IoT in transportation is expected to reach USD 495.5 billion by 2030.

Retail industry

Retailers are increasingly turning to smart devices to improve their customer experience and improve operational efficiency. IoT helps retailers track customer interactions and movements throughout the store and e-commerce platform which can provide a wealth of insight

Connected technology also helps automate processes such as stock management and can help retailers gather feedback about customer experiences and improve customer service. With IoT, retail companies can improve customer loyalty and retention.

In addition, connected technology helps retailers reduce costs associated with inventory, picking and packing, and logistics. By automating processes and collecting data, retailers can reduce the need for human resources in the store.

The global IoT in retail market is expected to grow at a rate of 20.3% per year between the period 2022 to 2031, thus moving from USD 28.14 billion in 2021 to USD 177.90 billion by 2031.

Healthcare industry

Healthcare organizations are also incorporating smart devices into their operations to improve patient safety and operational efficiency.  One application of IoT in healthcare is to use it to monitor patients’ vital signs.

This is done through devices such as wearables or sensors placed on the patient’s body. These connected technologies can collect information such as heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature. This information is then sent to a remote server for analysis.

Smart devices are being used to monitor and collect data from patients in real time, allowing medical professionals to make more informed decisions and provide better care. Furthermore, the use of IoT technology can help reduce costs by reducing the need for in-person visits.

The potential of this technology is immense and it is already being used to improve patient care in many areas such as chronic disease management, elderly care, mental health support, and even telemedicine. The market for internet of things in healthcare is expected to reach USD 190 billion by 2028.

Public sector

As technology continues to evolve, we are seeing greater use of IoT in the public sector. The technology is transforming the public sector by allowing governments to better monitor and manage public services while providing citizens with more efficient access to government services.

With IoT technology, governments can automate processes, improve communication between departments, and reduce costs by eliminating manual labor. Additionally, it enables public sector organizations to become more agile in their operations and provide better services for their citizens.

As the public sector increasingly adopts internet of things technologies to automate and streamline processes, it has the potential to improve efficiency and transparency across government institutions.

Agriculture industry

IoT is also being used in agriculture. By leveraging connected sensors, farmers can monitor and collect data from their crops and livestock in real-time, allowing them to make informed decisions on how to best manage their resources. This is known as precision agriculture.

Precision agriculture has the potential to significantly increase crop yields while reducing costs and environmental impacts of farming. This technique uses internet of things to improve the efficiency and accuracy of agricultural processes.

Precision agriculture uses data and technology to improve the accuracy of farming practices. With the help of smart technology, precise farming can be used to optimize irrigation systems, detect pests or diseases early on, and improve soil quality. The global market of IoT in agriculture is expected to reach USD 48,714 million by 2025.

Precision agriculture includes several different techniques and technologies, including GPS mapping and data collection, weather forecasting, and sensors that monitor soil moisture, crop health, and fertilizer levels. Ultimately, this lead to increased production efficiency and improved food security worldwide.

Energy sector

Internet of things is revolutionizing the energy industry by providing an unprecedented level of connectivity and automation. It helps reduce costs and improve efficiency by connecting devices in a system. It also helps monitor energy systems, manage demand, identify problems early, and make repairs.

IoT-enabled devices are being used to monitor, analyze, and optimize energy consumption in homes and businesses. By connecting devices such as smart meters, thermostats, and solar panels to the internet, energy companies can gain access to real-time data that can be used to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

Additionally, IoT technology is being used to enable distributed generation of electricity from renewable sources such as wind turbines and solar panels. This has the potential to drastically reduce our reliance on traditional sources of energy while also reducing emissions. The global IoT in energy market is expected to reach USD 357.4 billion by 2028.

Final words

IoT is a way of seamlessly integrating a wide range of Internet-based technology to automate and improve business operations. It facilitates the connection of applications and sensors to continuously send, receive and exchange data with other Internet-connected devices, networks, and sometimes even company servers.

Internet of things allows businesses to connect their existing systems to the cloud. This way, they can seamlessly integrate systems and data across networks, while creating a robust ecosystem for business-to-business and business-to-consumer data exchange.

The IoT is a huge investment opportunity where a company can stand to gain a vast majority of benefits by investing in the necessary technology and implementation strategies. Through the use of IoT technology, businesses can create a smart, connected, and automated enterprise environment.