Home / Industry / Augmented Reality (AR) will Create a Highly Efficient World

Augmented Reality (AR) will Create a Highly Efficient World

by | Jul 5, 2022 | Industry

Imagine that you could do a virtual tour of a hotel room before deciding to stay there or you could check out the placement of your furniture without having to move them. Or what if you could place furniture within your apartment before deciding whether to buy or not.

Well, thanks to Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies you can do these things and many more. As these technologies have become more affordable and widespread over the last 5 years, a lot of companies are starting to adopt them for some really interesting projects.

AR has been raging in popularity over the past few years and the revolution is not stopping anytime soon. It is giving brands the power to provide their customers with unique experiences like never before. So what is the hype behind augmented reality?

What is augmented reality?

In simple terms, AR is a technology that replaces a physical item with an image or information from another source. In sci-fi movies, holograms are often created using this technique. Its technology is not yet fully developed, but smartphones already have the necessary processing capabilities.

Augmented reality was first demonstrated in the 1990s by the Fox Broadcasting Company, with yellow first-down stripes placed over a football gridiron. Soon after, the technology was used for sports events, as virtual fixtures were created to help viewers track hockey pucks and golf balls.

As technology advanced, augmented reality applications began to appear in everyday life, including television and mobile devices. The Pokemon GO application became a global phenomenon in 2016, boosting the technology’s popularity. Companies quickly realized that this technology had a great deal of potential for combining corporate and consumer tech.

Smartphones are already capable of immersive reality. A smart helmet with AR features can help workers navigate a worksite. It can also be used to project ancient civilizations over ruins to bring them to life. The technology could be used to coordinate work activities and ensure quality.

AR works by transforming volumes of data into images and animations. Most applications are delivered through mobile devices or hands-free wearables. Examples of consumer applications include Snapchat and social media filters. Similarly, AR is starting to impact the workplace, affecting education and research, as well as social enterprises.

It is being used to enhance promotional materials and train employees to solve complex work tasks. Some examples of the technology include construction safety, industrial training, and virtual reality in the workplace. While isolated applications of AR have been around for decades, the technologies required to unleash its potential have only been developed recently.

Uses of Augmented Reality

In recent years, augmented reality has proven its usefulness. It can help surgeons in surgeries, mechanics in assembling machines, and even students in distant locations. It also opens up a new information-delivery paradigm, enabling people to view pieces of information in three dimensions without having to mentally translate two-dimensional information.

This is difficult and frustrating for people, and this can be a challenge with two-dimensional information. With AR, you can superimpose digital information on real objects, which eliminates the mental bridge between two-dimensional and three-dimensional information. It’s a revolutionary innovation and one that has the potential to change the world in many ways.

As technology improves, more devices can incorporate these immersive capabilities. Adding AR cameras to smartphones and other devices opens up multiple differentiation paths. For example, it can enhance a product’s functionality, improve its ergonomics or offer a new experience that customers will enjoy.

man superimposing couch using augmented reality app on iPhone
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko: pexels.com

AR’s feedback can uncover new opportunities for differentiation. Which differentiation path your company chooses will depend on your current business strategy and existing capabilities.

Augmented reality in business

In business, augmented reality apps can help people visualize products and services. It makes it possible to see and try on things without having to physically go to a store. In the real world, these applications range from improving brand awareness to improving customer engagement.

A great example of this is the cosmetic industry, which does not allow its customers to return products for hygiene reasons. Through AR, consumers can see a variety of colors, shades, and textures through their front-facing cameras before buying. This technology could make our daily lives easier.

Many companies have already implemented AR in their products. For example, Ikea, Wayfair, and Houzz have all created applications that help users place furniture and other products in their homes. And the Wanna Kicks app allows users to virtually try on sneakers, with 3D images.

This is an excellent tool for businesses selling apparel. It can help customers make more informed decisions before purchasing. As a bonus, consumers will be able to see how well the apparel fits them before they buy them. As the technology continues to advance AR will become more intuitive hence delivering better user experiences.

AR is most commonly used for “try before you buy” applications. With this technology, consumers can try on clothes and see what they would look like from the comfort of their homes. And with the gamification couple AR, companies can make more money by gamifying marketing campaigns to increase customers’ engagement with brands.

Augmented reality in retail industry

For those in the retail sector, immersive technology can help customer experience a product before purchasing it. The Dulux Visualiser app, for example, lets consumers virtually paint a room with Dulux paint before buying it. In the professional field, AR applications can help workers master practical skills and even practice new skills.

Many businesses have already realized the benefits of this technology. Fashion retailers, such as Warby Parker, have already begun using AR-enhanced technology to let shoppers try on glasses before purchasing them. Other retailers are already using AR to change the look of their physical stores.

While immersive technology is not yet available for every industry, it has many potential uses. It can enhance the way customers interact with a product, making it easier to sell. Researchers are even close to creating a virtual personal assistant that can help business owners tell their stories.

Another use of AR is to improve customer engagement. And brands can build strong relationships with consumers. While it is still in its infancy, its potential continues to grow. The market for augmented reality applications is projected to reach USD 85 billion by 2025. Once the technology becomes more refined, new applications and possibilities will emerge to assist users.

Augmented reality in manufacturing industry

AR is already making great strides in consumer markets. However, its impact on human performance is much greater in industrial settings. One such example is Newport News Shipbuilding, which designs U.S. Navy aircraft carriers. This technology has cut inspection time by 96%, and similar improvements can be made across many manufacturing tasks.

Augmented reality and virtual reality can be combined to allow users to transcend distance and time, and interact with a virtual environment. For example, bringing people together in a shared virtual environment can enhance understanding, communication, decision-making and teamwork. It can also be used to train people for new jobs.

man in black jacket standing in front of a table wearing virtual reality google
Photo by Eugene Capon: pexels.com

With AR, manufacturing tasks can be performed faster than ever before. It has the potential to cut costs across the business value chain. In the future, the use of immersive technology in the workplace could lead to increased efficiency and productivity in manufacturing, assembly, and service industries.

Augmented reality in construction industry

With augmented reality, the construction industry can reduce the number of redesigns that are required during construction. By showing clients a design in AR before construction, workers can better visualize the finished product and make changes before construction begins.

Workers can also use this technology to compare reality to design specifications. The ability to take automatic measurements in computerized models is especially useful because they can compare reality to the specifications. They can also compare the reality with the design specifications without looking away.

AR can also be used to connect with distant colleagues and professionals, reducing the need for costly travel and allowing employees to interact naturally. Further, it can enhance the capabilities of remote response teams. For example, a remote expert can see a field engineer and provide real-time instructions and illustrations to help the engineer perform their work.

Augmented reality in education

Another potential application for AR is in education. Students may learn more about new products or services with immersive experiences than they otherwise would with traditional teaching methods. AR applications can provide useful instructions and 3D models. It helps students grasp information more thoroughly because it feels real.

Smart glasses could make education more accessible for people with disabilities. These glasses would allow the visually impaired to view a performance’s dialogue and hear descriptions of sound without leaving their seat. Cultural institutions are currently live-streaming their content and designing for accessibility will continue to develop in AR.

Gamification of AR has many benefits. The enhanced environment of this technology can make classes less tedious for students and increase collaborative learning. For instance, the students can experience a new concept of learning. Gamification can also be used to enhance the learning experience by engaging with students in a fun, interactive environment.

man wearing virtual reality glass while drawing on whiteboard
Photo by Eugene Capon: pexels.com

For example, augmented reality apps can make it easier for students to understand labs and experiments, and can even help students understand important safety procedures in the lab through the use of gaming layout. Teachers can also use it for training purposes. This technology can change everything, from promoting literacy to providing more information on a subject.

This new method of displaying data also helps educators decrease the number of time students needs to spend on learning. Hence, students can practice more and study-specific areas. AR can also improve their communication skills, which are key to success in today’s competitive world.

Immersive technology has many positive effects on the educational sector, as it can enhance learning and also makes the learning process more engaging and creative, providing visual representations of lessons and materials that students can interact with and test their knowledge on.

Augmented reality in healthcare industry

Healthcare institutions have already begun to experiment with immersive technology. For example, in 2017, the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio successfully conducted a facial transplant using AR technology. As its application becomes increasingly prevalent, other institutions are adopting cutting-edge technology, including 3D holograms and other software tools.

The technology is already being used for surgical visualization, as well as patient education. With recent improvements in hardware and software, healthcare professionals are already using AR. It can also improve the efficiency of remote patient monitoring. As more advanced healthcare services adopt the technology, these innovations will improve patient care, education, communication, and outcomes.

Augmented reality in the travel industry

As we live in a digital world, augmented reality technology has already made a significant impact on the travel industry. For example, some hotels now feature interactive wall maps in their rooms that allow guests to explore travel destinations nearby. In addition, AR apps allow users to take augmented tours of tourist destinations. By simply pointing the device toward a landmark or building, users can view a visual history of the location.

The technology can alter the way people see their surroundings, it could be used to enhance the experience and drive a more profitable travel business. Imagine that you are wearing a pair of AR glasses and instantly view information on nearby points of interest. With the glasses, you would no longer need your smartphone or cell phone to access information.

Augmented reality for training

While the current AR glasses are largely considered the future of immersive technology, they have not yet achieved wide consumer adoption. Microsoft HoloLens 2, for example, has not been marketed to consumers yet but is currently being used by the military to train soldiers. The headset uses VR and AR technology to simulate various scenarios for the military.

They can help soldiers locate landmarks and train people to find landmarks. These are just a few examples of how AR applications can improve the human experience. For instance, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is using these applications to reduce the risks of disasters, and energy multinational BP has begun overlaying its training procedures onto VR simulations to train workers on operations.

In addition, it helps team members practice coordinated emergency responses. These technologies are already replacing traditional training methods and manuals. Using AR tools for employee training will give employees a better understanding of their working environment and increase productivity. It can also cut training costs.

The devices required for AR training can be owned by the majority of the population, so the cost of purchasing new equipment is minimal. It also enables companies to train employees for dangerous or uncommon situations. This technology allows them to provide hands-on experience to prepare employees for a new job or profession.

Future of augmented reality

The future of AR technology depends on a variety of factors, including how consumers use it and how it can be used in different industries. The technology will be integrated into every firm’s strategy at some point. Companies will need to consider the potential impact on their customers, their value chain, and product differentiation.

If this trend continues, the potential for AR is immense. For many industries, it is already changing the way we work. As the pace of innovation increases, workers can become more efficient with the technology. AR tools allow workers to overlay information on real-world objects, so they can create better products. It is also bringing innovation in immersive fields such as mixed reality and extended reality.

The technology also allows workers to collaborate with robots, increasing productivity and the pace of innovation. The future of augmented reality will include a persistent environment, both in time and space. Currently, AR experiences on mobile devices are transient, while those in physical environments must persist forever.

Ultimately, the future of AR will include a persistent AR cloud, which stores the physical world’s information and transmits it to the mobile device in real-time. The cloud will ultimately be a 3D copy of the world, making the virtual world part of the real one. Another application is the ability for mainstream video game fans to enter an alternate world.

Face recognition technology in video games allows a player to mimic their character’s body using glasses, visors, and headsets. A recent movie, Ready Player One, showcased this technology. The next generation of games is bound to use AR facial recognition technology. The upcoming metaverse will focus on virtual worlds and use AR for business purposes. It will likely transform the way immersive technology is used in business scenarios.

In an increasingly homogeneous market, brands must differentiate themselves from competitors to survive. Traditional marketing channels are not sufficient to achieve this goal. Augmented technology can give them a competitive edge in a crowded marketplace. AR-based marketing materials have a wide range of applications.

As the technology becomes more widely available, it could improve the way we engage with audiences and boost sales. In fact, one AR business card demo created by MobiDev shows how consumers can interact with an augmented reality business card, which can provide interactive information about the product.

Immersive technology will also allow museums to showcase their collections in new ways. For example, an app called Timelooper allows people to view a picture of an art museum in a different location in a real-world setting. This technology will also enable museums and galleries to bring their work to people who would otherwise be unable to see them.

Google Glass, the first AR platform to gain widespread public exposure, wasn’t a big hit among consumers, largely due to its high price, limited functionality, and perceived safety risks. Despite all of these challenges, Google Glass is quickly finding a place in the enterprise space and the healthcare industry.

While the current generation of AR glasses has many benefits, future versions will be able to incorporate more senses and have a wider field of view. Users will be able to view information on any object that is within their peripheral vision. With these benefits, AR will help people improve their lives and live more fulfilling lives.

Some of these uses include improving the lives of those who are blind or visually impaired. Wearable AR gloves can be used to help visually impaired individuals find products and put them into a virtual cart. Some smart glasses even help those with autism practice real-world tasks. If the technology becomes more widespread, it can improve people’s quality of life or even make people healthier.

The National Theatre, for example, uses AR to make its performances more accessible for people with hearing and vision impairments. Smart caption glasses are designed to display descriptions and transcripts of dialogue in a live performance. At the moment, this technology is only in its early stages and will continue to advance as the industry matures.

This technology can help improve people’s lives, and we’re only at the beginning of the use of this new technology. The impact of AR is far beyond games or selfie overlays. Ultimately, it will improve the way consumers interact with brands. AR is becoming a critical tool for educators and students as well as businesses all over the world. It’s time to embrace the future of augmented reality.