Home / Sustainability / How the Green City of the Future Will Look Like?

How the Green City of the Future Will Look Like?

by | Apr 20, 2022 | Sustainability, Utopia




Concrete jungles take up only 2% of the world’s surface, however, they consume 78% of the world’s energy and contribute to more than 60% of greenhouse gas emissions. And urban areas around the world are growing at the same pace as the world population. Today, 55% of the world’s population lives in cities. This number represents around 4.2 billion inhabitants and it is expected to increase by an additional 2.5 billion by 2050.

Now try to imagine that number of people living in cities and on top of that climate change. The majority of urban development is not being done sustainably and showing no mercy to our planet’s resources. Fortunately, there is some urban development that shows some hope and is pioneering new ways that can create a sustainable future.

What is a green city?

A green city incorporates multiple aspects of sustainability into its design. There is economic sustainability, which means economic growth is based on social factors and practices that do not negatively affect those aspects. And there is also environmental sustainability which means practices that reduce waste and increase biodiversity.

When defining a green city, you may wonder what makes a good one. It is one that uses sustainable resources. These sources help to reduce the city’s carbon footprint and also contribute to its economy. A green metropolis utilizes energy and water in a sustainable way. By embracing renewable energy sources, cities can reduce their carbon footprint.

river and green plant near city building
Photo by Nancy Bourque from Pexels

Sustainable design includes renewable resources such as solar panels, wind power, and water recycling. This means that buildings and public spaces will be free of harmful emissions. Many buildings in green cities use rainwater for cleaning, washing, and drinking. These methods reduce the amount of water used by residents and companies. Not to mention that the world is facing water scarcity.

A green urban area consists of buildings, infrastructure, and systems that integrate nature into the urban environment. It integrates natural elements, including urban farming and biodiversity, into the modern urban center. The result is a metropolis that is thriving in both economy and community. They also have policies in place that encourage local support for these efforts.

Importance of green city

As the world’s population continues to increase, urban areas become larger and bigger and contribute to pollution, climate change, and CO2 emissions. They are increasingly becoming too hot for many people. And as cities become more humid and hotter, this could lead to an unhealthy environment. And if this is not avoided, heat waves striking urban areas could kill thousands of people.

Urbanization has led to several stress-inducing situations for people. But cities have many options for improving their environmental condition, including increasing green space, expanding recycling programs, and enforcing policies aimed at reducing emissions. By enacting green initiatives, cities can save money, maintain public safety and preserve resources.

A green urban community is an essential long-term strategy since space is limited in urban areas. Even a small plot of land in a city can be turned into about ten to fifteen meters of eco-space. That is a substantial amount of green space and it can combat many environmental problems. Also, it can be used to fight the pandemic of global warming.

Green spaces provide a cool place to relax and counteract the city’s heat island effect. Furthermore, they improve the quality of life of residents by providing buffers from flooding. A green metropolis can also improve the health of its inhabitants, which is vital considering climate change. Trees can reduce diseases by filtering the air. That’s why organizations like The Nature Conservancy are planting trees in cities.

A green metropolis is also an ideal place for businesses because it boosts the local economy and improves the quality of life for its residents and employees. It can also boost the productivity of employees. It is also beneficial for people’s health, as it lowers air pollution and improves social connections and it ensures rich biodiversity. Green space also helps with the reduction of noise pollution and cools the air during hot seasons.

Aside from the obvious environmental benefits of a green city, people living in this type of space are healthier and happier. Cleaner environments attract more self-aware citizens, who buy green products and recycle. Their example serves as an example for others. And while green cities may not be perfect, the efforts of their citizens can be a model for others to emulate. Overall, it is a better place to live and that’s why we need a green city.

There are many advantages to living in a green city and many are already thriving today. Take a look at some of the most innovative concepts being applied to urban development today.

Metropolises that promote sustainable living have become increasingly popular. San Francisco, for example, has achieved a high degree of sustainability. This eco-city model has helped many people save money on transportation and have more space for green buildings. Additionally, many eco-cities are investing in energy-conserving infrastructure and resources.

Reykjavik, Iceland is one of the world’s leading sustainable cities. Hydrogen-powered buses ply the streets and the city’s electricity and heat are sourced from renewable sources. Iceland also sources its energy 100% from renewable energy

Vancouver is another example of an eco-city. Located between sea and mountains, Vancouver draws most of its power from renewable sources. The city is charting its course toward energy independence. There are over eight miles of waterfront in the area and the city has a hundred-year sustainability plan.

A promising housing scheme in Pakistan is the Green city Islamabad. This new housing project is a way to enjoy modern, luxurious life. It also provides smart features in a prime location while allowing investors and developers to earn a handsome profit from the project. Despite its relatively new status, the future of green city Islamabad looks bright. You can buy a green city home with affordable payment options today.

India and Egypt have promoted the concept of a “green city” as an urban strategy. The goal is to achieve a high standard of life for citizens while protecting the environment from pollution and other hazards. However, the challenges of urbanizing have been numerous and cities must work hard to meet the challenges presented.

Future of the green city

The world has been obsessed with futuristic cities since the beginning of time. The green city of the future will rely on solar power and renewable energy from underground thermal sources and photovoltaic plants. Houses will have thermal solar systems to generate domestic hot water. The urban’s layout will maximize natural ventilation, which is critical to bioclimatic cooling.

To ensure that fresh air is constantly circulated throughout the metropolis, complex water circulation systems will connect large bodies of recovery water and provide green spaces. Architects will also optimize solar exposure to create maximum shade between buildings. By putting people at the center of the design process, cities of the future will be more resilient and healthy.

green plant beside concrete road in city center
Photo by Wayne W on Unsplash

The “15-minute city” is a concept from Sorbonne University, where every need is located within 15 minutes drive from the residence. This concept could even apply to suburban and rural communities. And as more people live in urban areas, more infrastructure and technology are needed to support these needs.

Achieving this vision will require a shift in the way we design cities. For one, we must be more inclusive of all people involved in the process. The New Urban Agenda by Habitat, for example, calls for inclusive urbanization. Additionally, cities must be sustainable to achieve these goals. That means integrating environmental concerns with social and economic development.

Moreover, cities must accommodate electric vehicles. Although electric vehicles are growing in popularity every year, urban areas are far from fully hosting them. There are not enough chargers to accommodate these vehicles and grid capacity needs to be improved. Consequently, green cities can solve these issues in the near future. Developing an efficient electric vehicle system is a crucial step toward building a sustainable city.

As these eco-cities evolve, they will integrate more technologies to provide more convenience and efficiency to residents. And by combining smart city concepts with sustainability practices, the urban environment will be both healthy and efficient. Big data can also help cities achieve the ultimate goal of sustainability.

Big data can be used to make cities more functional, reduce energy consumption, minimize pollution and improve quality of life. The ability to monitor and track data and make changes can also enable cities to adopt more sustainable practices. A city with low energy consumption is becoming more and more attractive to residents.

The concept of green cities is a far more comprehensive approach to urban development. By adopting eco-friendly practices, creating green spaces, and supporting technology, a green city will minimize air pollution, improve air quality and protect the planet’s natural resources.

Green cities are environmentally and socially responsible and this will be the case in the future as well. It will also produce a healthier urban environment for the residents and reduce the carbon footprint of the city. To reverse global climate change, a green city is crucial. In the end, will transforms lives and it can be a game-changer for our society.