Our future seems to lie in connectivity. Today, without the internet it almost seems as if the world has come to a standstill. Our planet is becoming a giant pool of constant connectivity.
Moreover, our gadgets have started to become smart. Today’s smart devices are tracking our habits and are embedded with artificial intelligence (AI) to process the data to deliver better service to us.
Smart devices are not just about collecting data to deliver better user experiences, but they are also connected to other computers in the perimeter to communicate and exchange information. This ecosystem is called the Internet of Things (IoT).
IoT is changing our lives and how we engage with our digital services and the products in our homes. Almost every electronic product that enters the market nowadays has some sort of sensor and can be connected to the internet.
But the most interesting thing is that intelligent machine is now powered by some of the most advanced machine learning algorithms which is a subset of AI that analyze user data to find patterns from them and learn and improve itself from these findings.
Machine learning is still relatively basic and is only just starting to understand the data that they’re receiving. However, some sort of symbiotic interaction is happening right now where AI is getting smarter and IoT network is becoming bigger and more powerful.
Artificial intelligence is starting to understand more of our world as we are providing more data to them. And with the high penetration rate of technology in our life, everything is becoming one whole internet-connected network creating the internet of everything.

What is Internet of Everything?
Internet of Everything (IoE) is a term used to describe a network of interconnected devices, applications, and services. It’s a vision of a world where everything from our physical technology to infrastructure and even people is connected and can communicate seamlessly.
The term was coined by Cisco Systems Inc., which first introduced it in 2011 as part of its vision for the future of technology. The Internet of Everything is about connecting people, processes, data, and things — and then integrating them so they can work together.
According to Cisco, IoE will allow people to interact with physical objects in their environment simply by using their mobile phone or voice command. This includes everything from smart cars to wearable techs like smart glasses and smartwatches.
The IoE is the next wave in linking everything with the internet. It refers to the network of objects connected by wireless technologies that collect information about their surroundings and communicate it back over an IP (Internet Protocol) network.
These objects include everything from cell phones and personal computers to automobiles, home appliances, and medical gadgets such as pacemakers and glucose monitors for diabetics. The IoE is a broad concept about the future of technology and is based on multiple pillars.
The 4 pillars of Internet of Everything
The internet of everything is a cohesive network of devices that bring together intelligence to facilitate decision-making and data exchange to enhance services. Nowadays wireless connectivity is not just limited to smartphones and laptops but has extended to anything that has a microchip in it.
The IoE approach creates a distributed network that generates an enormous amount of valuable information that is turned into actionable insight once analyzed. To achieve this level of connectivity, the network collaborates with four different entities which are:
People are the heart and soul of the internet of everything. Without people, there would be no IoE. People are the ones who create the content, use the technology, and make the connections that enable the infrastructure.
The internet of everything is a term that refers to the interconnectedness of everything. Everything from our homes to our cars to the factories that we work in is connected in some way.
And as nowadays almost everybody has powerful devices (smartphones, smartwatches, and even pacemakers) that they carry with them all the time, they are also connected to the ecosystem.
The IoE is made by people for people. In 2022, there are around 7.9 billion people on earth, 83.32% of which already have a smartphone. The world population is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, meaning that there will be more devices.
Moreover, humans use devices every day to collect data which is then computed by software to harness the insight that it holds. Altogether, humans are an important aspect of the IoE.
There are many important things in the IoE-ecosystems. Things are the term used to refer to all the physical gadgets and objects interconnected with each other to exchange inputs. Things are the internet of things (IoT) aspect of IoE.
Things have the ability to:
- Communicate with devices and machines
- Access information and data
- Share information and collaborate
- Control devices and machines
In 2022, it is estimated that there are 16.4 billion active connected IoT devices in the world. And this number will double by 2025 to reach 30.9 billion. Moreover, there are an estimated 6.56 billion smartphone users in 2022.
These devices make this network of things a powerful tool for improving our lives and the lives of those around us. We are heading toward a world where everything can be turned into intelligent things from water pipes to milk cartons.
Data is the lifeblood of the IoE. It is the information that powers every application and service on the internet. It is what makes cyberspace work and is processed into usable intelligence. Internet activity generated more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day.
With the ever-increasing number of connected gadgets, we are generating an enormous amount of raw information that is waiting to be computed into actionable insight. Data is keeping everything up and running in this increasingly complex and competitive world.
The Internet of Everything is a vision of a future in which everything that has a microchip is bridged to the web and can share data and resources. Process in IoE is about the correct delivery of actionable insight to the right recipient, algorithm, machine, or person at the right time.
Process is also about ensuring that every entity in the IoE ecosystem is linked together and working in harmony to provide greater value. The most important aspect of process is connectivity. In 2022, there are around 5.03 billion internet users in the world. And with 5G network starting to become mainstream, process will be made easier.
Importance of Internet of Everything
Internet of Everything is a concept that refers to the integration of the internet into physical appliances, tools, vehicles, buildings, and even people. It enables us to connect any entity that contains a microchip to the web.
The IoE enables us to pile up data from multiple sources and make sense of it in order to improve efficiency, reduce costs or create new products or services. By collecting information from multiple sources, it’s easier for businesses to enhance efficiency by making better decisions faster than ever before.
This also means that workers can spend less time gathering inputs manually and more time doing what they do best such as finding solutions to problems at hand. And with insightful and actionable data at hand, this situation is made even easier.
Moreover, IoE provides more opportunities for learning and development at and outside work which makes employees happier leading to higher levels of engagement which in turn leads to increase productivity.
The IoE is an extension of the Internet of Things (IoT) and it refers to a network of devices linked to the internet. It is becoming widely accepted as an important part of future technology development due to its many benefits such as increased efficiency and productivity.
There’s more to the internet of everything than simply connecting devices together to create a network. It also provides other opportunities such as increased customer satisfaction, reduction in operating costs, and better decision-making capabilities among others.
The IoE is being developed alongside IoT technologies such as RFID tags, sensors, cameras, and smart meters – all of which provide information to computers so they can make decisions based on what they see or hear.
It enables people using smart gadgets to receive relevant information based on their location or activities. For example, a shopper may receive coupons for products they are viewing on their mobile phone while shopping in-store.
The IoE allows objects to be sensed or controlled across existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration of the world into computer-based systems and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy, and economic benefit in addition to reduced human intervention.
This means that any object you interact with on a day-to-day basis will have an online presence. The idea behind this is to make our lives easier by bridging all devices and making them work better together.
The global market size of the internet of everything was valued at USD 928.11 billion in 2020. A CAGR of 16.5% is expected between the period between 2021 to 2030. The market is forecasted to reach USD 4,205.50 billion by 2030.
Difference between IoT and IoE
The Internet of Everything is a term used to describe the growing network of devices, services, applications, and people that are connected through the Internet. It is an umbrella term for all things that are linked to the online world.
It refers to the idea that every entity will be connected to the Internet and be able to share information. In this way, objects can be controlled remotely or have their input recorded, analyzed, and shared with other devices.
The Internet of things on the other hand is a network of physical objects that are linked to the internet and can interact with one another. With IoT, devices send data about their usage which is then used to enhance services.
The IoT is a system of sensors and actuators that interact over the internet. They are embedded in everyday objects such as cars, refrigerators, and door locks. IoT contains electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity to enable appliances to collect and exchange knowledge.
The IoE is an extension of the IoT concept where every object has a unique identifier and can be tracked by other nearby objects. It is not just about connecting more devices but also about merging people and processes to create a bigger internet ecosystem.
IoE is a conceptual model of a network in which every object, system, and even organism is connected to the net, allowing them to share data and capabilities. While IoT is often seen as a way to improve the efficiency of business processes and to create new opportunities for consumer engagement.
In simple terms, the IoT is a network of smart devices (things) connected to each other to exchange useful information. The IoE on the other hand is an extension of the IoT where humans also participate in the process. Hence, the IoT is only concerned with two pillars namely things and data while IoE integrates people and processes.
Internet of Everything process
Decentralized data processing
Decentralized data processing is an approach to computing data by a distributed system of nodes. The nodes are connected to each other by a network, and they share information and work on tasks together.
This approach can be used to enhance the efficiency of data processing and to reduce the risk of breach. By distributing the processing tasks among the nodes, decentralized data processing can reduce the amount of time that is needed to complete a task. This is because the nodes in the network can compute different parts of the task simultaneously.
Interconnection of different technologies
The interconnection of different technologies has led to the rise of new innovations. There are many different types of technology that are interconnected to enable the IoE and some of them are:
- Artificial intelligence
- Machine learning
- Internet of things
- Big data
- Cloud computing
- Fog computing
- Edge computing
Data input/output
Data input and output are the two processes in which information is collected and then transmitted. Data input is the action of acquiring data from an outside source, such as sensors. Data output is the action of transmitting the information to a different location, such as to a computer or network.
The IoE is emerging as a technological paradigm that blurs the line between physical and digital domains. It enables data exchange between people, things, processes, and systems with unprecedented scope, speed, and complexity.
Technology of Internet of Everything
The internet of everything is defined as “the interconnectedness of entities with the internet, enabling them to share data and communicate with one another.” To achieve this, a number of different technology is needed such as:
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence is used in the IoE network to improve the efficiency of a variety of processes. It also makes it possible to gather and analyze data from a variety of sources to provide valuable insights.
The rise of artificial intelligence has been driven by the need for companies to remain competitive in an increasingly globalized economy. AI assists humans by automating tasks that are repetitious and mundane, freeing up their time for more creativity.
Machine learning
Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that uses algorithms to improve the performance of computers by making them learn from data. It is a key component of the IoE ecosystem, as it can help machines and systems learn from data and interact with each other accordingly.
One of the main uses of machine learning is predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance is a process of monitoring and maintaining equipment in order to ensure its long-term reliability and performance.
Internet of things
One of the most exciting and pervasive trends in the tech world is the internet of things. This refers to the increasing interconnectedness of physical objects and devices, allowing them to communicate with one another and share information.
The IoT is the network of devices, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these objects to collect and exchange data.
IoT is a major part of the internet of everything. The major difference is that IoE integrates people into the process. This is important because it allows humans to easily control all aspects of their lives at home or work.
Big data
The use of big data in the IoE is the most important. This is because it can help us to create more efficient systems and to identify and address problems more quickly.
Cloud computing
Cloud computing is a type of web-based computing that provides shared processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale, similar to a public utility.
Cloud computing has been adopted by businesses and individuals for a variety of reasons. For businesses, the cloud offers the promise of economies of scale and the ability to provide services remotely, with reduced investment in infrastructure.
For individuals, the cloud offers an easy way to access a range of online services, without having to invest in expensive hardware or software. The cloud is also an important part of the internet of everything.
Cloud computing is typically delivered as a service over the web, from a cloud provider’s own data center. Cloud computing is an essential part of the IoE as it provides storage and processing power on remote servers.
Fog computing
Fog computing is a new paradigm for the IoE in which computers are dispersed across large numbers of nodes and are managed as a collective by a central server. Fog computing can provide significant benefits for the deployment and management of IoE:
- Reduced complexity and cost of deploying IoE devices.
- Improved reliability and performance of IoE devices.
- Reduced dependence on centralized infrastructure.
Edge computing
Edge computing is a powerful way to enhance the performance and reliability of web-based applications and services. It can be used to offload tasks from the central processing unit (CPU) to specialized hardware accelerators or nodes, thereby reducing the load on the CPU and improving performance.
Edge computing is a concept that is becoming increasingly popular in the internet of everything. It allows for data processing to be done at the source of the information, instead of sending it to a central location for processing.
Edge computing can be used for many different purposes, such as providing real-time information and analytics, IoE devices are able to interact with each other without having to go through wireless connectivity.
Features of Internet of Everything
The IoE is considered the future in which devices and systems allow for information to be shared and accessed by everyone. This interconnectedness will allow for a more efficient and effective world, as well as opportunities for businesses and individuals.
However, the infrastructure needs to be secure. And these are the features that ensure the security of the IoE infrastructure.
Blockchain is an innovative technology that can be used in a number of different ways. One of the most important ways it can be used is in the internet of everything network.
Blockchain in IoE networks can help to ensure that the information that is shared between devices is secure. This is because blockchain is a decentralized structure meaning there are no central points where the data can be hacked or stolen.
Cybersecurity is now an essential part of our digital lives, and with the advent of the “internet of everything”, it is only becoming more important. The IoE can range from our cars to our every home appliance and even personal gadget and implants, and they all need to be protected from cyberattacks.
One of the biggest threats to IoE security is the fact that multiple devices are linked to the web which can create multiple vulnerable points of attack if not secured properly. But using advanced technology like blockchain this problem can be rectified.
Digital trust
Digital trust is the foundation of trust in the digital world. Digital trust is an important factor in the IoE ecosystem. It is the foundation on which the ecosystem rests. Without trust, the IoE would not be possible.
Digital trust is the trust that users have in the technology they use, the information they access, and the networks they visit. It is the trust that users have in the security of their digital assets and the reliability of the systems that run the digital world.
Digital trust is built on three pillars namely security, reliability, and trust. Today, we live in a world where the IoE is becoming more and more pervasive. This means that devices need to be secure and reliable to maintain trust in the network.
Cisco’s analysis has identified USD 4.6 trillion potential value of stake for internet of everything. Of the 4.6 trillion 70% or USD 3.2 trillion are connected to agency-specific and the rest which is 30% or USD 1.4 trillion driven by cross-agency adoption.
Benefits of Internet of Everything
The internet of everything is the interconnectedness of physical, digital, and biological systems. It is an approach that has many benefits such as:
Increase productivity
The IoE is an ecosystem of a variety of internet-connected devices to create a “smart” environment. It has the potential to impact productivity on a massive scale by gathering large amounts of data and providing actionable insight.
Increase efficiency
The IoE is a pervasive network of physical, digital, and biological systems that work together to provide enhanced efficiency and productivity. It can enhance the efficiency of activities by analyzing real-time data to optimize processes.
Ease of life
The internet of everything is set to provide ease of living. When it comes to our everyday lives, we are constantly interacting with technology. Whether it’s our smartphones, laptops, or televisions, we are constantly using technology to improve our lives.
With so many devices interconnected, we can now do our everyday tasks with ease. For example, we can now order groceries, check our bank account, and get info about the weather with great ease and convenience.
Facilitate data collection
The IoE is a network of physical and digital systems that allows for data to be collected from multiple sources and processed more efficiently.
Collect large amounts of data
Internet of Everything is a term used to describe a new era of networking in which physical, virtual, and embedded devices are interconnected to create a “smart” environment. And by doing so, the IoE can collect large amounts of information that can be processed to provide unprecedented insights.
Collect complex information
This interconnectedness of a large ecosystem of devices allows for a vast array of data to be racked up and analyzed, making it a valuable tool for multiple stakeholders.
It allows for the collection of complex information which can provide solutions to pressing issues that human faces as well as bring new innovation, or improve services.
Environment monitoring
The IoE is a transformative paradigm shift that will enable us to manage our resources more efficiently, monitor our environment, and protect our safety.
It also has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, including our homes, businesses, and communities. Imagine being able to remotely control your heating or air conditioning, check the status of your appliances, or receive alerts when there is an issue.
Internet of Everything examples
The IoE connect everything from physical objects to digital devices to people and organizations. It enhanced the efficiency and accuracy of processes and systems, as well as the sharing of data and resources across different boundaries.
It also allows for the development of new and enhanced applications that can improve the lives of people everywhere. There are a number of applications of the internet of everything in different areas such as:
The internet of everything is a vision of a world in which everything is connected to the online world, and can be controlled and monitored from a single platform.
It has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. It could enable us to monitor and control our environment more effectively and efficiently which is highly beneficial for the manufacturing sector as data can be collected from different aspects of the production line.
Public sector
The public sector is increasingly embracing the IoE to improve efficiency, manage resources and refine customer engagement. It enables public sector organizations to gather data from a wide range of smart gadgets and applications to provide insights that can help to enhance operational efficiency.
By monitoring data streams and collecting feedback from customers, the public sector can improve its customer engagement and provide better services. Public sector can also use IoE to manage resources more effectively.
The healthcare industry is one of the most likely sectors to adopt IoE, as it is an area that is ripe with potential for improvement. Its application in healthcare can be through the use of smart sensors to monitor patients. Smart sensors can be used to monitor a variety of parameters remotely.
Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a technology that has been used for many years in the healthcare industry. RPM is a way of monitoring a patient’s health remotely. It allows healthcare professionals to check on a patient’s health without having to be in the room with them.
This is a great technology for patients who are unable to travel to see their healthcare professionals. Remote patient monitoring can also be used to monitor patients who are in the hospital.
Moreover, the internet of medical things (IoMT) is a growing area of interest in healthcare, with the potential to transform the way patients are treated. As patients increasingly share their medical information online, hospitals and other healthcare providers have more insight from multiple sources to improve patient care.
The internet of everything is the interconnectedness of devices and systems across many industries. Retail is one of the industries that is beginning to embrace this concept, as it can provide a number of benefits.
The IoE can help retailers better track customer data. This information can be used to better understand customer preferences and behavior, which can help retailers tailor their products and services to meet customer needs.
This network of everything enables devices to talk to each other and share data. It can help boost the efficiency and accuracy of logistics operations by automating processes and helping to connect disparate systems.
The logistics sector is one of the most important parts of the global economy and is constantly growing in importance. As the world becomes increasingly digitized, digitalizing the logistics sector is poised to benefit from the widespread adoption of IoE technologies.
Smart cities
The internet of everything is a catch-all phrase for all the various technologies that make up smart cities. It is a network of physical tools, machines, vehicles, buildings, and other infrastructure that are bridged to the internet.
These devices collect data, share information, and work together to make smart cities possible. IoE helps cities manage their resources more efficiently.
Smart homes
In practical terms, IoE means that everything from home appliances to cars and people will be web-connected, allowing users to control them through a smart device, implant, or voice command.
This technology applied to residential dwellings can create a smart home. In a smart home, user can use their smartphone or voice to command and control their heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and many more.
Smart building
The IoE has the potential to make our lives easier by helping us manage our resources more efficiently and connecting us with the people and things we care about most. One key area where it can have a big impact is smart buildings.
Smart buildings are often filled with a variety of systems and devices that need to work together to provide a complete overview of every aspect of the infrastructure to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation.
Smart water management
The internet of everything can be used to manage smart water resources, including water supply systems, wastewater treatment plants, and water distribution networks.
It can allow operators to monitor and manage water resources more effectively. It can also help to identify and address issues early before they become major problems.
Future of Internet of Everything
The Internet of Everything is a vision for the future where all devices, things, services, and organisms are connected to each other. In this world, every piece of information will be available on demand in real-time.
It is considered the next big thing that will change how we live, work, play and learn. The Internet of Everything is becoming a buzzword that‘s being used in many industries.
It offers solutions such as analytics, security, and collaboration tools to help businesses thrive in today’s competitive environment. The future of IoE is bright because it will have an impact on all areas of our lives.
In fact, according to a recent survey on IoE trends, consumers reveal that they would not buy a new car without Internet connectivity options built into it. The same goes for home appliances that have sensors built into them so you can control them remotely from your smartphone or tablet computer. This shows the importance of connectivity in our life.
The IoE will also have an impact on healthcare because patients will be able to access their medical records remotely via their mobile devices or laptops so they don’t have to visit the doctor’s office often.
This process will reduce wait times at hospitals and clinics when patients need immediate attention due to an emergency situation. Moreover, autonomous cars will communicate with other cars to optimize traffic flow and increase safety.
Your wearable communicates with your smart home thermostat so that it can adjust the temperature as you approach home. Your coffee maker already deduces when you want a coffee and automatically brews a fresh cup when you get close enough for it to sense your presence.
We are generating so much data that our products and services are breaking free of that single-purpose origin. We are heading toward a future where someone standing in a smart entity (ex: a smart home) can do about anything with a simple voice command.
So wherever the user is standing in the smart home, he can just ask out loud and the AI can turn on lights, change the temperature of the room, play music, play tv shows or even turn everything off in the house.
Moreover, your smartwatch gadget monitors your heart rate and blood pressure while you sleep, sending this information to your doctor who can offer advice on how best to manage these health indicators or the AI can order medicine automatically for you.
The IoE allows objects to be sensed or controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration of the world into computer-based systems and resulting in improved efficiency.
IoE is set to create a cyber-physical system. It will encompass technologies such as smart grids, smart homes, intelligent transportation, and smart cities. Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system but can interoperate within the existing Internet infrastructure.
Final words
This emerging concept is expected to have a significant impact on businesses and society in the coming decades. The IoE often referred to as the next wave of innovation will deliver enhanced efficiency, productivity, and value by improving decision-making across all areas of society.
The IoE will connect humans and machines, enabling them to communicate with each other and exchange data in real-time. This will make our lives easier by connecting all these devices together so that they can share information with each other. This will also enable us to make data-driven decisions.
The internet has completely transformed how we conduct business, process information, socialize, and communicate. Over the next decade or so we’ll be connecting many objects, infrastructure as well as organisms to the internet to create an electronic ecosystem that is smart and efficient.