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Smart Office Solution: Technologies and Features You Need to Know

by | Sep 12, 2022 | Industry

Today’s ways of work and technological advancement are changing how offices should be designed and operated. Building spaces are being optimized to reduce operation costs and resource use as well as increase occupant comfort.

Tenants want efficient and responsive building space to provide occupants with seamless enjoyable experiences to increase productivity and satisfaction. In today’s highly competitive world, companies are focusing on employees to increase competitiveness.

Companies are embracing the human side of businesses where people-centricity is at the heart of office design. They are delivering the best human experience in the workplace to achieve operational excellence.

With the help of today’s ubiquitous technologies such as the internet of things, smartphones, and connectivity, buildings are being integrated into the digital world. Buildings are becoming smart and with them offices also.

What is smart office?

A smart office is a workplace that uses the latest technologies to make work more efficient for employees. This includes things like having a better layout, using digital signage, automating jobs, and implementing apps to make tasks easier.

The term “smart office” is used to describe a working environment that is designed to be more efficient and productive. Smart office technology is a set of devices, software, and services that allow staff to work more efficiently and productively.

An entity becomes smart through the ability to relay data to different components with the use of sensors and connectivity. And by exchanging, collecting, storing, and processing data, different components, and resources of the building can be optimized.

Smart office concept is not just about using technology but also about using comfortable and sustainable design principles. Office automation includes a range of technologies that are used to make the workplace more efficient, comfortable, and more importantly productive.

Objectives of smart office

The objectives of smart office systems vary depending on the specific needs of the organization. However, the most common one is improving efficiency. It helps employees work more productively by streamlining the workflow and reducing the number of steps required to complete a task through the use of technology.

A smart workplace is also designed to be as environmentally sustainable, comfortable, and energy-efficient as possible. The objective here is to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels energy and help the environment by minimizing greenhouse gas emissions.

The goal is to improve productivity by making it easier for staff to get work done. By integrating smart technology into office operations, workers can easily access the information they need to get jobs done quickly.

Smart office technology

Smart office technology often serves similar purposes as smart buildings. For a workplace to become intelligent, a variety of different technology is needed. Intelligent workplace leverage different technology and innovations such as:

Internet of things

An important aspect of a smart office solution is the internet of things (IoT). IoT is a network of devices that are connected by the internet to exchange data. This network is used to monitor and manage devices in an office, and it can also be used to control them.

One example of how the IoT can be used to monitor the temperature of equipment. If the temperature of a machine is getting too high, the IoT sends a warning or takes the necessary action to reduce the temperature.

By using the IoT, office managers can improve the efficiency of their operations. Moreover, IoT devices collect information from different workplace operations and activities, which can be used to provide insight.

Big data

Big data is an umbrella term for data sets that are large, complex, and granular. It is used to improve the performance of a business by providing insights into customer behavior, product usage, and operational information.

One of the key benefits of big data is its ability to provide actionable insights. This means that businesses can make better decisions and improve their operations.

It is widely accepted that big data is the future of business. It has the potential to revolutionize how organizations operate and create new growth opportunities. Here are some reasons why big data is so important in smart offices:

  • Identify and prevent fraud.
  • Understand customer behavior and preferences.
  • Optimize your marketing campaigns.
  • Identify and respond to risk factors.
  • Optimize resource usage and reduce wastage.

Big data is the future of smart offices. It can be used in many ways, such as for data mining, to create predictive analytics and make more accurate decisions. The use of big data in working spaces is increasing as it can predict customers’ needs.

It is also used to analyze purchase patterns and interactions with the company. The collected data can also be used to understand what content would best suit the customer’s needs and interests. It can also help companies understand their employees better by analyzing their work habits and productivity levels.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is quickly becoming an omnipresent technology in our lives, from our smartphones to our cars. And it’s not just in our personal lives, it’s also starting to infiltrate our work lives.

Many companies are turning to AI to help their employees be more productive. One of the most exciting applications of artificial intelligence in the workplace is its ability to help automate tasks and processes.

AI can free up time for workers to focus on more important tasks, and it also helps them make better decisions. Artificial intelligence is very good at processing data to seek useful patterns and provide insight.

AI in the workplace is used to make workers’ lives more efficient, improve decision-making processes, increase working accuracy, and help with daily tasks. AI is also used to control temperature and lighting which create a more comfortable environment for employees to work in and improve their productivity.

AI can automate mundane tasks like scheduling meetings or taking notes during meetings, this way personnel doesn’t have to waste time on these tasks and instead focus on what they are best at which is creativity and emotions.

In the smart office, artificial intelligence can be used to improve workflow and communication between employees. It can also help with the organization of information and the management of files.

Data analytics

Data analytics is the process of gathering and analyzing information to gain insight into business operations. Data analytics can be applied to many aspects of an organization’s functions, including marketing, sales, customer service, and finance.

The importance of data analytics in a smart workplace is significant as it provides valuable insights that can be used to make decisions and improve operations. It also helps in identifying trends and patterns in the data which can then be used for future planning.

Connectivity (5G)

When we think of smart office technology, one of the most important things that come to mind is connectivity. For a modern workplace to be effective and efficient, employees need to be able to access their work files, communicate with coworkers, and access resources easily.

Connectivity is the backbone of intelligent workstation operations. Connectivity is the key to accessing information, and it helps workers to be more productive. The importance of connectivity in smart office solutions cannot be overstated.

People who work in an office environment are more productive when they have access to the internet and other resources for work-related tasks. This is because they can find information easily and complete tasks quickly with no delays.

Even if 5G network is yet to become mainstream, it will be the backbone of the next generation of IoT. It will facilitate a seamless connection between people, places, and things. 5G will enable smart workplaces to become smarter and more connected.

5G networks will be essential for the smart office of the future to function smoothly. It will provide high-speed wireless connectivity that can support real-time data transmission without any lag or delay.

Homomorphic encryption

Homomorphic encryption is a form of encryption that allows computations to be carried out on data without decrypting it. This means that the information remains encrypted at all times, even when it is being processed.

This technology is used in smart office applications such as voice recognition, speech synthesis, and biometric identification. It can be used in different industries to protect sensitive data from cyberattacks.

It is like a cybersecurity measure that ensures privacy and secure document sharing to maintain digital trust. Homomorphic encryption is important in workspaces as it allows information to be encrypted and decrypted without revealing any detail about the data itself.

This is important because it prevents hackers from gaining access to sensitive information stored on the company’s systems. Additionally, homomorphic encryption is used to create tamper-proof records of transactions.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the internet from a remote location. In a smart office, cloud computing can provide the ability to access information, applications, and services on demand.

Cloud computing is a type of computing where data, software, and other resources are stored on the internet, rather than on a local computer. One of the most popular use is to store information or files in the cloud.

The benefits of using cloud computing in workplaces are that it increased security and reduced the risk of hardware failure. This is because all the data is stored remotely and not on any particular device or machine.

An office environment is considered smart if it uses cloud-based solutions and applications to improve flexibility and efficiency. Cloud computing can also improve employee productivity and collaboration by allowing them to work from any location.

Edge computing

Edge computing is the use of computing resources that are located close to where it is needed, typically on the edge of the network. It is used to improve the performance of tasks that require quick responses.

Edge computing is an important part of smart office technology as it allows businesses to save on costs, improve performance and flexibility, and increase security. Edge computing helps businesses manage data more efficiently and securely, optimize processes, and improve customer experience.

Edge computing helps businesses save on costs. For example, businesses can reduce the amount of data they need to store by using data analytics and machine learning to process and analyze some inputs in real-time.

Edge computing is used to make the workplace more efficient as it is a solution to the problem of data traffic overload. It is also used to reduce the load on central servers by processing small amounts of inputs locally.

This way, when someone requests a file or information, it does not have to be sent back up to the cloud for processing and then back down again. This means that there will be less delay in accessing files and information, which will improve productivity and efficiency.

Interactive whiteboard

Interactive whiteboards are an important tool for any modern office. They are great for meetings, presentations, brainstorming sessions, and all other collaborative tasks. It is also a great way to make sure that staff has the same understanding of the information being conveyed.

Interactive whiteboards bring together various departments and help communicate with each other effectively. It allows groups of people to share ideas, images, and notes in a fast and easy way.

Intelligent booking system

An intelligent booking system is a reservation system that can automatically process and confirm reservations. The booking system can be integrated into the intelligent office system to create an intelligent booking system.

The intelligent booking system provides a centralized channel for all bookings, which includes a calendar, a list of tasks and appointments, and a list of contacts. This help with the management of resources in the workplace environment.

In today’s world, it’s important to have a booking system that is both efficient and intelligent. A good intelligent booking system can help businesses run more smoothly and efficiently, while also helping to save time and money.

One of the benefits of using an intelligent booking system is that it can help staff organize and keep track of their appointments and events. This can save time, and also help avoid potential scheduling conflicts.

By automating the process of booking appointments, staff can be more focused on their work and less stressed about booking appointments. This system helps to keep track of appointments and ensure that everything is booked on time.

Smart desk

A desk is an important part of any working space. It provides a place to sit, a surface on which to work, and storage for personal items. A smart desk can help employees work more efficiently.

It is a desk that can connect and control other smart devices in an office. It is used for all sorts of purposes, from controlling the lights to managing emails. They are often equipped with touch screens, making it easy to interact with workstations.

A smart desk is equipped with features that help workers work more productively. It is also designed to be modular and adaptable. This means that they can be customized depending on the needs of the user and their particular workspace.

A smart desk may have a built-in computer, so employees can access their email and other online resources while working. It also helps personnel work more efficiently.

Robotics process automation

Robotic process automation (RPA) is a subset of artificial intelligence that automates business processes by using software robots. RPA tools allow business users to carry out routine tasks without needing to interact with a human computer user.

Robotic process automation is the use of software to perform administrative tasks that would usually be performed by humans. The goal is to make work more efficient and help businesses to focus on their core business activities.

RPA is used to automate repetitive, rule-based, and transactional processes like those involved in back-office functions such as accounting and human resources. It can also be used to automate tasks like data entry, report generation, expense reporting, and reconciliation.

It is also used to automate complex tasks like customer service interactions or even things like sales negotiations. RPA is used to automate the processing of data, create and update documents, generate reports, and carry out other business tasks.

Smart lighting systems

Smart light is a type of lighting that can be controlled with a smartphone or a computer. Mood lighting is a type of lighting that is used to create the desired atmosphere in a room.

Mood lighting is a crucial part of any office environment. It not only helps employees feel better but also can help with their productivity.

There are many benefits to using smart lighting in a workstation. It can be used to provide a more comfortable working environment and reduce eye strain, it can create a more productive work atmosphere, and even be used for security purposes.

Mood lighting in the workplace can increase productivity and creativity. This is because it stimulates the brain and makes people more alert. Smart lighting is also programmed to automatically turn on or off depending on room occupancy to prevent energy wastage.

Voice assistants

Voice assistants are becoming an increasingly important part of smart working spaces. They allow workers to control different systems with their voices, eliminating the need to use a keyboard, mouse, switch, or touchpad.

This saves time and energy and can help to improve worker productivity. Voice assistants is also used for other tasks, such as ordering stationary, checking the weather, and more. They can be a great way to keep workers organized.

Voice assistants are also used for making phone calls, and for tasks like dictating reports, sending messages, and scheduling meetings. In a smart office, voice assistants will be able to handle all the tasks that employees need to do on a daily basis.

Smart office design

A smart workplace is a space that has been designed to be as efficient and productive as possible. In order to achieve this, the design needs to be carefully thought out and planned. A good smart office design starts with efficient space and layout management of the workspace.

A smart office system should be designed in such a way that all of the workstations are in harmony together, with an open plan and plenty of natural light coming in through windows. This will create a collaborative environment where people can easily communicate with one another and share ideas.

Workers don’t want to work in an overcrowded and compact space as well as in an office that looks outdated. The design should have enough room for people to comfortably walk around and also have enough room for people who need more privacy or want to work alone on their laptops or tablet.

A trend that has been emerging for the last few years is that many companies are moving away from cubicle offices and instead opting for open office layouts. This is because these layouts encourage collaboration among team members and give employees more ways to work productively.

Moreover, workspaces are integrated with location-aware mobile apps for personnel. Smart office apps make space reservations and resource allocation more accessible and make navigation easier for all employees.

Location technology is one of the most important technology within smart workplace automation as it allows intelligent monitoring. It is used to locate employees, book desks throughout the day, and find available meeting rooms.

Having different resources in the palm of their hand with a user-friendly office app, workers are empowered to be more productive and use workspaces more effectively. And with building automation users never have to touch a switch.

Moreover, since the pandemic, many organizations are moving toward a more flexible approach with remote working and office hoteling systems. Hoteling is a space management method where instead of having a permanent desk assigned, workers have to dynamically schedule their use of workspace.

Before the pandemic, smart office approaches were only focused on physical space capabilities such as controlling HVAC systems, managing temperature, and automating tasks where possible and security systems took center stage.

Today, companies are adjusting their view on intelligent spaces with employee experience at the center of excellence. The goal is to help workers be more efficient and productive while also improving their overall well-being.

A smart office is an ideal workspace where technology and human experience come together. It is designed with intelligent systems that help the workstation operator measure and manages energy usage and office wellness conditions.

Smart office design ensures high proficiency contributing to a reduction in energy use and operational costs. With building energy management and environmental monitoring, workers are empowered to make better decisions to create a comfortable workspace.

Features of smart office

The office of the future will be smart. It will have all the necessary features to make it a comfortable and productive space. And these features are:


Gamification is a technique that aims to apply game-design elements and game principles in non-game contexts. The term is derived from the words “game” and “motivation”, and it refers to a range of techniques that make use of game thinking and design to engage users in solving problems, achieving goals, or learning about something.

The importance of gamification in smart office concept is vital because it can help employees stay motivated while they are at work. It can also enhance their engagement with the company’s processes and services by making them more fun to use.

Studies have shown that when users are engaged with a task, they are more likely to complete it. This is why it is so important to incorporate gamification into smart office strategy. Gamification helps to create a sense of urgency and motivation in users.

Gamification is particularly important when it comes to tasks that are seen as boring or difficult. By making these tasks more fun and engaging, workers are more likely to finish them and it can help to improve retention rates.

Smart conference room

A conference room is the most important asset in a modern workplace. It’s not only for meetings but also for brainstorming, team building, and idea generation. The importance of a smart conference room in an intelligent office solution is that it provides an environment where people can collaborate and come up with innovative ideas.

Indoor navigation

Indoor navigation is a technology used to help navigate around a building. It is often used in retail spaces to allow shoppers to find the right product more easily. In offices, it helps employees navigate their way around the building more easily and efficiently.

Indoor navigation is an essential tool for any smart office system. Some companies are already using indoor navigation in their buildings. They provide a map of the building so that people can find their way around when they visit for work or events.

By providing a clear and concise map of the space, employees can easily find their way to their destination. Additionally, indoor navigation can help to reduce the amount of time that is needed to traverse a room.

Video monitoring

Video monitoring is an important component of a smart workroom. It not only helps to keep the staff safe but also helps to reduce costs. This also has a positive effect on the productivity of the employees, since they feel safer and more comfortable working at their workplace.

Video monitoring in a smart office system helps to detect and prevent theft. By monitoring video footage, businesses can identify unauthorized activity, such as employees accessing confidential information or files without authorization.

Additionally, video monitoring is also used to identify potential safety hazards, such as people working in dangerous areas or machines that are not being properly maintained.

By monitoring video footage, businesses can also ensure that their workers are following company policies and procedures. Video monitoring can also help to prevent accidents and save time.

Smart HVAC system

A smart office is a building that has been designed with sustainable approaches, and environmental responsibility. It is an office that is conscious of its impact on the environment, including water and electricity use, waste management, and recycling.

The importance of HVAC system in a smart workplace is that it helps improve the quality of air in the office. It also helps reduce energy consumption. HVAC systems are also important for both the comfort and productivity of employees in the building.

The quality of air in a workspace affects how people feel when they are working there. One way to improve air quality is by installing a smart HVAC system that monitors air quality so it can make adjustments accordingly to keep it at a healthy level for everyone.

The HVAC system can also be used to control noise levels and thermal comfort. By ensuring that the system is properly configured and monitored, a smart office building can achieve its desired environmental and operational outcomes.

Access control

Control access is essential for the security of a smart office. By controlling who has access to what, ensure that only authorized individuals can make changes or alterations to the office’s systems. This control can also help protect data from being accessed by unauthorized individuals or stolen.

Visitor management

Visitor management is an important part of an intelligent workspace. It can help a company to control who enters the premise, what they can do, and when they should leave. The visitor management system usually includes visitor registration, access control, and other security features.

Taking the time to properly manage visitor traffic, can ensure that the office is running smoothly and that everyone is having a positive experience.

Reward system

One of the best ways to motivate employees is a reward system, where they receive incentives for meeting certain goals or quotas. Reward systems are important in any smart office because they motivate staff to be productive and creative.

By providing employees with tangible rewards, such as bonuses or raises, companies can create a culture of success and encourage employees to stay on-task.

Additionally, a well-functioning reward system can help to keep workers motivated and engaged. By providing employees with periodic rewards, managers can help to ensure that they are motivated to perform their job duties and meet company goals.

There are several different types of rewards that can be used in the workplace. These include monetary rewards, privileges, recognition, and gratuities.

Booking desk

A booking desk, also known as a reception desk or concierge desk, is an important part of any smart office. It is the first impression that people get when they visit the place. It is the place where they can inquire about services or identify themselves if they have a meeting.

The smart reception desk is also a great way to show off the company’s culture and values. It helps to keep track of appointments, manage files, and stay organized. With a booking desk, users can easily keep track of their schedules and stay on top of their work.

According to a global workforce survey by CISCO, 96% of companies interviewed want to invest in technology to make their office intelligent. They want to create a smart workspace, equipped with pervasive and intelligent technology that will change the quality of the physical space.

Final word

The world is becoming more and more connected, with more people than ever before having access to the internet. This has led to an increase in the number of devices that we use on a daily basis, from laptops and smartphones to smartwatches and TVs.

Smart offices are designed to be highly connected spaces with a large number of sensors that collect data about their surroundings. These sensors can be used for various purposes, such as controlling heating or lighting or detecting when someone enters or leaves a room.

Even if technology is taking over a lot of jobs, one thing that will not change is that we still need people to work. Because when people collaborate to solve problems this brings creative solutions.

The workplace will look very different in the future. Jobs that we do today will be replaced by new, more advanced ones and this is the reason why we need to keep up with the changing times.

With digital technology, employees become more efficient and effective. They enjoy their work which ultimately leads to more commitment and engagement. A smart office creates an environment where people can be their best selves and collaborate in ways never before possible.