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We will Live In a World of Digital Humans

by | Apr 26, 2022 | Technology




Human cooperation is our most powerful force, as we cooperate in a constant feedback loop involving emotion, shared attention, communication and teamwork. Every big innovation comes with cooperation. And now we are living in an era defined by human cooperation with intelligent machines. We have built computers that can understand us and we can intuitively understand them.

Autonomous virtual humans and characters are humanizing computing so that you can have face-to-face interactions in a human-like manner with machines. As technology evolves, computer-generated characters look more and more like actual people. Hence, technology is giving birth to an entirely new race of digital humans.

What is a digital human?

Digital humans are AI-powered lifelike virtual beings that offer the best of both artificial intelligence and humans.  Today they exist in both the physical world and online. What makes them unique is the ability to interact using both verbal and non-verbal cues like tone of voice and facial expressions. Meaning they can recreate natural human interaction at scale.

Virtual beings can learn in real-time, be empathetic, interact and speak. They can do all kinds of things that we can do and we can naturally interact with them just like we interact with another person. In today’s world, we are in a constant battle between speed, efficiency, and personalized human experiences. By 2025, AI will power 95% of all customer interactions.

Digital human is an AI platform that determines behavior and speech in real-time so that conversations can flow naturally. They are taught the fundamentals of what it takes to socially interact and pay attention to things to form associations to react emotionally. It can see through the camera and can hear through the microphone. It can interact with things like web pages on the internet and can express itself.

While we’ve come a long way with the use of chatbots, virtual assistants and even artificial intelligence, there’s still a desire for that human touch. The technology behind digital humans is quite advanced and it can create incredible experiences. With the power of artificial intelligence, a virtual being can mimic human body language, read input and provide appropriate non-verbal responses.

Image by 0fjd125gk87 from Pixabay

Impact of digital human

The concept of a digital human has several benefits. It can simulate emotions, learn from speech and body language and understand contexts. It can even mimic the tone of voice and body language of human representatives. They learn once and they never forget. Today digital beings are already working for some of the biggest brands in the world.

They’re revolutionizing digital experiences in healthcare, financial services, retail, automotive, real estate and technology industries. Because virtual humans are the only solution that can bring a human-like emotionally connected customer experience to the highly automated computerized world. And, it’s only a matter of time before this concept can become widespread.

Advancements in 3D scanning, realistic constructor platforms and motion creation software are driving its development. And artificial intelligence and computer vision are boosting this development as well. In a short time, digital beings will be able to mimic the look and movements of real people and thereby create highly lifelike characters.

These virtual beings mimic human facial expressions, which adds layers of emotion and persuasion to automated conversations. Hence, they are an exciting development for the future of artificial intelligence. It will help businesses achieve the same goal as humans but perhaps with a better customer experience.

As the economy tightens, many employers are finding it hard to recruit and retain qualified employees. In addition to reducing the number of people, digital humans can also help in filling vacant positions and streamlining processes. They can help users find products, pay for purchases, track orders and more.

The NTT DATA company is one company that is already implementing cybernetic beings into its customer service processes. Another benefit of digital human technology is that AI keeps learning while processing data. Hence, it has the potential to improve the quality of every interaction.

With the emergence of digital human technology, artificial intelligence applications will be taken to the next level. Leveraging its potential will enable us to leverage technology. The technology is not a hypothetical concept; several companies have made excellent progress on this project.

Moreover, recent discussions about the metaverse make the concept of digital humans even more relevant. There are several challenges associated with them, but the technology is not that far off. These new computers are powered by computer vision and they will revolutionize the way companies and customers interact.

The biggest advantage of digital humans is that they can communicate emotions and maintain conversations. They can do so much more than just be virtual assistants. The biggest difference between digital humans and AI virtual assistants is their ability to navigate virtual environments, behave like people and use persuasive techniques.

To achieve this, a Digital Human needs to have an artificial intelligence layer, which processes speech and text and a visual layer that can respond to commands and show facial expressions. Currently, it’s easy to create an avatar of a virtual actor. But making a fully-realized one will take a lot more time and data. However, it is not far off.  After all, we already have a virtual assistant on our smartphones.

While chatbots have become an essential part of the online customer experience, virtual beings have the potential to take customer service to a whole new level. The future of digital humans includes more than just a computer. We have the power to create a virtual companion who can help us through everyday tasks, including searching for products, paying for them and even keeping track of our orders.

In addition, conversational AI can also help to teach staff. Instead of a lecturer or teaching assistant who only works during working hours, digital beings can offer support to dozens or even hundreds of students round the clock or anytime they needed. They can provide engaging learning experiences for students.

When you talk to a chatbot, you’ll find that it can understand multiple languages, including English, Spanish and Japanese. The digital human uses advanced computer science and artificial intelligence to recreate human conversations. It’s an incredible thing to behold. It’s a world where the human-computer interface is not just functional, but also fun.

You may have come in front of deepfake videos as they have submerged the internet now. And see how realistic they can be in mimicking people’s facial traits. Virtual humans and deepfakes share the same fundamental traits. Both evolve from artificial intelligence. These are controlled by algorithms, but they don’t necessarily have their own personalities.

A digital human can even be a part of your decentralized identity. A virtual presence based on NFT, web 3.0 and other components of the Metaverse. It’s not just about virtual reality, it’s also about leveraging wearable technology and biometrics. As a result, virtual beings could be a great solution to global migration and work visas. The benefits of living in a world of digital humans are immense.

If there is one thing we need more of, it’s human interaction. And while our technology has evolved and digital communication is now largely automated thanks to virtual assistants and chatbots, we still need the personal touch. Digital beings that mimic human expressions are becoming a reality.

The cybernetic doubles can be made of real human features, like skin tone and behaviors. They can be used for almost any purpose and can simulate facial expressions, gestures and other human traits. And they will become ubiquitous like most technology nowadays.